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06/21/08 2:52 PM

#25291 RE: flyonawall #25289

its all about: "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.". however some ppl wouldn't mind being fooled "ad infinitum", believe me, some ppl who are no longer under "contract" with periscamilion, would sign again tomorrow if offered, fully knowing what this is all about.


06/21/08 2:53 PM

#25292 RE: flyonawall #25289

Fly-great news. Cant wait to see the clips.


06/21/08 5:07 PM

#25317 RE: flyonawall #25289

I listened to the TV broadcast too.

I found it interesting that Eddie stated that he was paid consistently for 9 months....and then payment stopped.

In my years of experience with businesses, payments are never stopped just on a whim. There is always a REASON! Before I pass any judgment, I would love to know the REASON!!!!
Wouldn't anyone? There has GOT to be a reason.

I also thought that it was kind of cool that Eddie verified the worth of the radio station.

I do hope that Eddie's wife gets better and stays better. Seeing a loved one be ill is always difficult.

OT: Thinking of sick ones, I attended a presentation last night at Constituion Hall in Washington, D.C. by John Edward, the psychic. It was an amazing presentation. I arrived there totally neutral and I'm still pretty neutral, but I must admit that he was amazing. At the end, he said that we are all here to fill roles. Made me wonder what my role in life is. In a little over two weeks, I begin a whole new chapter in my life. It's both scary and exciting. A whole new career and a whole new set of skills. I won't have time to post much, but I'll be waiting patiently.