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06/20/08 5:43 PM

#447 RE: Evolboarder #446

I'd still rather have no news at all than get vacuous filler news pieces. More than we need news about future potential, we need to see more real accomplishment, done deals, completed sales...

It is a good thing when a little company that has a business that is succeeding... goes from reporting its future focused desires and forward looking statements as news... to reporting only news you can see in the rear view mirror, about things that are already done. Among the more useful results of undertaking that shift early... it provides vastly greater ability to be selective in making forward looking statements... so that you hit your targets on time and under budget... instead of always having to string things along, again, and again...

I do think it would be useful for ABSY to be a bit more focused in its communications efforts. An update to the webpage that included more ABSY specific elements, a discussion of competitive advantages, both of ABSY's products vs competitors, and of competitors businesses when using ABSY's products...

I wouldn't mind seeing more of the webpage looking like it was more useful... both productively and successfully focused and applied in driving product sales. Product pages with contact info for sales reps ? Less text based, more graphic, more interactive... so that it at least looks like you could use it to make and execute a purchase decision ?

Can't even see a picture of a product from ABSY or Fujitsu now?

Making the webpage a more functional tool for extending sales capabilities would be useful. I wouldn't mind seeing a news bit pointing out it is done AFTER it is done... even go indepth in the news piece to discuss what the thinking was, etc., and ask for feedback... once it is DONE.

Otherwise, the communication effort from ABSY seems often not to do a very good job of communicating. It doesn't often transmit much in the way of a "feel" for the people who work at ABSY. It seems often to not be well focused on the things that matter to investors... or it doesn't do much to put the info in a context that relates it well to the investors picture of ABSY in a way that makes it obvious how the new should alter that picture. Not unique at this end of the market... but, the share price reflects the information available, and also the quality of the information and its presentation.

Continually updating a "sales funnel" figure with new numbers... while that change is no doubt exciting and meaningful to those inside the company... is a wide miss for investors here who are still focused on trying to complete some basic DD to figure out if the company is even real. Glowing future focused reports of continually improving sales potential numbers, when those numbers don't "soon" materialize as sales... is a net negative that generates an impression of failure when that news is not rapidly brought to completion. "Soon" for a business might mean "this quarter or next year"... while "soon" for an investor means "not later than the end of next week".