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06/18/08 12:41 PM

#9977 RE: MishaG187 #9974

Trading Stocks. I thought college was expensive. LOL
You're getting some great advice. All you need to do is consider it.
The purpose is to make money.

All the best
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06/18/08 12:44 PM

#9980 RE: MishaG187 #9974

Misha, most people who trade down here in the pinks are used to getting crushed by crapy companys. This is not one of those companys. This one is more of an investment...people arnt used to seeing this down here...they are almost programmed to panic at the first sign of a red candle. We are coming off of a 5 day massive run...some people are taking profits and others are scared...there has been a lot of serious research done here on this company, and imo we have NOTHING to worry about...If you didnt put your money into this company you would have probably put into another one down here on the pinks. In that respect, I think you made a very wise choice. This company is about to turn a major corner. Just try your best to relax...everything is going to be just fine.
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06/18/08 12:46 PM

#9982 RE: MishaG187 #9974

Misha... since it's highly suspect that a brand new alias knows nothing and pops out of nowhere pumping a stock, I'll give you a benefit of doubt and reply...
(1) Pink sheet stock is NOT INVESTING, this is well known to anyone trading stock for at least a month.
(2) Pink sheet stock IS GAMBLING, you throw money at a vaporcompany with no product except selling shares on the pink sheet service gambling that NEWS will make the pps pop.
(3) MM's are Market Makers .. banks and brokerages and hedge fund type institution who buy and sell stocks creating liquidity in the stock market for us lowly retail and other traders trying to make money, all the while pocketing the 'spread' (the amount of money between the buy/sell pps of the stock, which they can control and give you the lower amounts you asked for. IE: You want .0002 for ticker adc, so an MM buys yours, sells them to another trader for .0005, gives you your .0002 and keeps the overage for profit.
(4) Did I say pink sheet stocks are for gambling?
gltu and all
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06/18/08 12:48 PM

#9987 RE: MishaG187 #9974

Okay then, would you take your $5000 college money and "invest" it if you were planning on using it for college anytime soon. Since you are 18 I am assuming that you plan on going to school in the fall, this means that anything that you do with the 5Gs is short term... very short term... You are better off keeping that 5 grand in a savings acct until you use it, there is no losing there.

Also, there IS a difference between Investing, Trading, and Gambling. But Trading (especially pinks/pennies) and gambling are very similar.

Take from this what you will, but the best advice is probably to get your 5000 back, or 4500 or whatever it is now and put it in the bank. I hope, just like everyone else, that this stock does what everyone else wants it to do... to daaa mooooon and all that. But I ain't banking on it. I doubt there are many players here that have dumped all their cash into any stock... You should follow that example.
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06/18/08 1:08 PM

#10008 RE: MishaG187 #9974

Make your own decision, but I have just picked more up at .017 and am happy as a lark.

Also remember just a fraction of shareholders in BLDV are on this board here at IHUB. Many other boards out there and folks that are not in will spread all kinds of doubt to take the price down to pick up shares. MM also use tactics to scare weak hands into selling.

But it is your money and your decision, you just have to weigh the risk versus reward.

Does the risk out weigh the reward?


Does the reward out weigh the risk?

Good luck