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06/16/08 7:59 PM

#33750 RE: Doe 3 #33749

This vote already happened:

Posted by: tony montana Date: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:14:40 AM
In reply to: Evolboarder who wrote msg# 33651 Post # of 33749

Posted by: TOPDESERT Date: Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:18:29 AM
In reply to: faster183 who wrote msg# 33648 Post # of 33749
I don't post much on this board, but put it back up please. Remember, I was the one who translated the new ticker symbol (just a joke of course):

I(I).M(AM).P(PEE).N(ING) (on you shareholders)

Posted by: Evolboarder Date: Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:07:41 AM
In reply to: faster183 who wrote msg# 33648 Post # of 33749
Put it back up

Posted by: faster183 Date: Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:54:57 AM
In reply to: None Post # of 33749
All those that feel it's in the public's best interest to have the warnings back up, please let me know and I will talk to Matt.

Posted by: stockmavin Date: Thursday, March 13, 2008 2:41:01 PM
In reply to: faster183 who wrote msg# 33648 Post # of 33749
The person who took it down is either George or connected to the company. There is NO reason it should not be up there and people be warned. This is not a company to invest in, but a company to pizz your money away in. It is a bad show already and the onlything coming from the company is BS.


I could dig up more, but you get the picture..
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06/16/08 8:10 PM

#33751 RE: Doe 3 #33749

Not to mention this guy is just like moviefi .. he comes out of nowhere, joins and suddenly pumps the company and claims he knows George. It is a poster with an agenda who took on the role of moderator to hide this company's past. A company that never delivered on promises such as their dividends, promises not to reverse split, promises of filming and selling movies by certain dates.. etc. etc.

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06/17/08 12:13 PM

#33753 RE: Doe 3 #33749

EYE!!!! Anyone who would NOT warn folks of this monstrosity is either new to Imperia, hoplessly naive, or has a vested interest. I bought into this p.o.s. because of a fabulous sounding fax that came to our office. This "company" is famous for coming out in fancy clothes covering its odious porcine nature. Some folks have done an absolutely brilliant job of making it look SO good. Why should anyone listen to me? I was once a strong supporter of this company...Ken and James...I wanted to give them a chance....I .but those of us who have been around to see what happened with all of that understand what this "company" is all about. I didn't listen to the warnings then, and I got Screwed. It's not just that the price of this stock would need to increase 10,000 percent for me to get my money back (an accurate figure). It is the down right lies that come from it. You know what Ken and could make me take all these words back....all you have to do is pay me the dividends you promised years back...come can do it...I don't believe you will.

For what its worth...any new person...stay away...I didn't listen and a large part of my father's estate went up in smoke so those dudu heads could fly to Cannes and Monoco and God knows where else. Save yourself some grief!