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05/04/04 12:05 AM

#14236 RE: worktoplay #14235

Perhaps a better idea behind the use of STR in genealogy is contained in that same article. This from page 9:

Genetic tests can accurately determine familial relationships, using a number of “fast-evolving” regions in the human genome called STRs (Short Tandem Repeats). These types of tests can determine if an individual is related to a particular family line. However, the decision as to whether a family is part of a tribal community would be made on historical or other non-genetic factors. Native American tribes use many different factors to justify enrollment in their community. These include percentage blood quantum of that tribe, being a direct descendant of an enrolled member, being born in that tribal community, and/or having a working knowledge of the culture (language and customs) of that tribal community. In some instances tribal membership is not dependent upon ancestry, and in these cases, DNA tests are not helpful for justifying membership in a tribal community. Otherwise, DNA based tests may be able to assist tribal communities in enrollment by supplying evidence of Native American ancestry in potential tribal members, but DNA based tests are not able to identify percentage ancestry at the tribal level.

Is this what we are doing with the New Scotland Yard to identify the perpetrator or his "family"? Interesting...
