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06/13/08 2:29 PM

#51908 RE: tadhg #51906

Let's look at this shall we? We know that SPZI had to let go two software writers last year. The details were not PR'd but we can gather that they were let go for more than just being a little late to the office. After all these two guys had options for a whole lot of shares of SPZI.

They knew exactly what SWARM could do and the potential of SPZI in the near future. So when they were let go by SPZI do you think they might have been a little bitter? Do you think they may have wanted to get back at SPZI for what they perceived as wrongful dismissal from the company? I do.

And that's exactly what they did. They tried to steal SWARM technology based on STv2 that had been completed up to this point. SPZI had no other options than to go after these two guys with a lawsuit. And thus while the lawsuit was going on stop their plans cold in the tracks they lay.

The lawsuit was filed on DEC 27, 2007. They had to keep quiet about anything pertaining to SWARM due to the lawsuit or lose the case before it even started. That seems obvious. Does that mean SPZI or XXIS lied or mislead the shareholders. I don't. I don't because they plan would have been carried out if it were not for two disgruntaled former employees that wanted to get back at a start up company and Paul Strickland in particular for keeping them from making a whole lot of cash is my take.

What were they going to do? Put out a PR telling the world about the infractions of two individuals stopping the trading with SWARM? Are you kidding me? They had to carry on with business as usuall and continue to work hard for the day that this mess would clear itself up.

Let's not kid ourselves here folks. SPZI and XXIS are two start up companies trying to survive in the land of sharks otherwise known as pinkyland. Most companies that start can't even make it 2 years before they fail. Yet here lies SPZI still standing with so much being thrown at them to cause them to fail.

The whole time Paul Strikland has never hid anything from us. It hasn't been pretty and Paul still told us what he could without getting sued himself and still not showing the sharks what cards he was holding close to his chest.

There is fear out there my friends and there should be. But the fear is not by this shareholder, it's from the competition and they know the day of reckoning is close at hand. Goes back to what most of us have saying for a while now, know your risk tolerance and invest accordingly.

This is a huge risk. But only because of the typical "pinky" games that are being played by the competion in an effort to squash the threat of SPZI and XXIS.

