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06/12/08 4:16 PM

#5954 RE: runninamuk #5944

Mostly what I see is some expectations in timing of events that it seems were and are being generated HERE...

Some apparently decided, randomly, to choose to expect that the long string of "soon" coming out from company sources must mean "today"... maybe only to generate a buying opportunity when today didn't pan out? I don't know...

I'm usually pretty skeptical of investors posting strawman short range timelines... which can't and shouldn't be expected to have much of anything to do with the real timing of real events... which are always driven or conditioned by something other than investors expectations. I've noted, even, in stocks where the insiders leak inside information like a sieve, that the timing calls by those who KNOW exactly what is going on, are usually wrong by a fairly wide margin... even when the rumors prove out to be true, the events themselves take time to unfold, and the news takes time to catch up to accomplishment.

Even when there is a CORRECT rumor leaked out that "today is the day"... you shouldn't expect to learn that today WAS the day for another week or more... and I'm NOT saying that "today was supposed to be the day" or anything like that about LNGT. I have ZERO access to information that would allow me to make any guesses about what might happen when... I'm talking here in generalities and have no timing info at all re LNGT.

Timing discussions, to be useful, ought to be focused on the sort of time lines on which you do things in the real world... the real timelines on which work gets done and on which businesses develop... not timelines based on the investors short range desires, always wishing for a quick double "soon"... meaning tomorrow. I guess you'd be safe to assume "soon" in business terms means within the next two quarters... because that is the sort of timeline on which real events tend to happen.

Big pops in stocks happen either as growing recognition of accomplishments filters into the market and achieves critical mass, or as rumors tied to market dynamics grip investors, or as fundamental stock performance gives way to accelerations in momentum. LNGT is unlikely to be at $0.50 tomorrow... but it is pretty likely to continue on the uptrend, and trade up above the 120 MA which is now at $0.049, and above the 90MA which is $0.04 ? The trend lines are up... and it will ride the trends up... probably to $0.07 and above just on trend, with some daily gyrations. The chart looks like it has built a solid reversal to the upside... still looks like an anticipation chart... building toward bigger moves as big events happen and are reported... with a fair degree of conviction apparent in the charts. Ride the trend... and expect the slope of the line is your friend, while waiting for the rest to happen...

News will drive it higher... but in the mean while it is going higher even without the news event as a driver... because the real business is doing some really good things and the clock is ticking as anticipation builds without news.

I'm reasonably certain that LNGT shares will be worth a bit more than now... when lasers are shipping to fill orders for dental imaging systems, and when dental imaging systems hit the market and are being sold. That first step should begin to happen or be anticipated before the end of the year, with sales history reporting by mid 2009... and that is my time horizon... but I'm looking for a price change based on real changes in the business, not changes in trading the daily price swings based on emotional ups and downs. Emotion drives noise. Filter the emotion and noise out, and try look at the reality that is developing... smoothed charts held do that... but, knowing what the business is doing, focusing on that, and accepting ongoing undervaluation for now... is better. I want to ride stocks from pennies to dollars... and that requires patience BECAUSE the timing of news AND market reactions to news is unknowable, even for those who know...