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06/11/08 9:11 AM

#1696 RE: Bane #1695

My Response.

Thank you for your reply and and with all due respect...obviously you did not read my email as you would have seen that I stated every market opportunity in the Caribbean you are trying to corner in which I got that information from the PRs. LOI's in the pink world really doesn't mean as much as it is leading to believe.

As for the is less than stellar of a business trying to impress or attract new investors. Frankly our board on Investors Hub has more information to attract investors then the company website. Please feel free to stop by but I think you know all about it since the beginning.

We have done our DD and know who the company officers are and what companies that they have been involved in and their performance to raise the PPS of those companies to include the brain child behind And that the time of year the PPS spikes for the companies that they were involved in is Nov-Jan time frame.

The company still has yet to file any up to date filings to prove to investors or potential new investors that it will be a fully reporting company in the future or near future. But as long as you guys aren't a reporting company you can do what you want without getting votes from the shareholders.

Of course you will disagree about the cost of producing bio fuel just as you have disagreed with other previous emails from myself and other shareholders. I appreciate your optimism Mr Redmond.