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03/11/02 12:36 PM

#1600 RE: Rico_ #1597

Hi Rico,

You wrote,

Or Mr. Lichello was more of an arithmatic teacher than a math professor, as it would have taken quite some time to figure out the B=1/(1-f) formula out of those repetative (infinate length) updates in the Vortex method. It's probably some kind of standard math formula, but I'm sure he didn't want to open that can of worms. Based on his desire for simplicity and paper and pencil work against the luxury of computers. To each his/her own.

As it happened the infinite series reduction to B=1/(1-f) is indeed a standard formula. But for my considerable work to come to that point there is also a rediculously simple solution that Qarel pointed out to me some time agO:

(1) PC+ Buy=PC+f*Buy=Y3

(2) Y3 = New Equity Value and
(3) Buy=B*(PC-Y2)

Equation (1) reduces to an equation with only one unknown B and gives the answer quite without any mathematical pains!!!!


I will see how long it will take to get the revised issue of the book published.


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03/19/02 7:03 AM

#1889 RE: Rico_ #1597


In answer to your question on a copy of the book:

Are you implying you only have the master copy of the 'old' book? That would not be a wise thing to sell probably. If you've got none left at the moment I'll have to wait. But I'm perfectly happy if you have an old dutch version left over and the new version is going to take a while before it returns from the presses. (Just don't charge me in dollars as on the website, if you please :-) ) After I read the old one you can convince me to buy the update too. :-)

If you send me you e-mail and/or address I can send you a copy of the book, or send to some free information on some of the topics in that book.
We can discus a price for the book that is reasonable for both of us.

