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John 19-35

06/08/08 1:43 PM

#24598 RE: flyonawall #24597

'flyonawall' Works for me. -99.99% is the proof in the pudding. What more do I need to say?

d indian

06/08/08 3:18 PM

#24599 RE: flyonawall #24597

Been my exact point since day one. A company such as PHGI with no definite plan, will always be considered a scam, by people that understand business. This has been a hodge podge business plan because the share sellng [30,000,000,000] didn't go as successful as AAAAAAASSSSSTROM'S. And that is a 'fact'. One other 'fact'. beebee planned on using everyone else's money, but his own. The lack of any bond money through PHGI proved that. OPP not getting their money, another roadblock, it is all there folks. Big plans with other folks money. Will agree, OPP'S PEOPLE NEED, AND COULD USE THIS PLANT. THE BENEFITS FOR THE WHOLE AREA ARE OBVIOUS. All in my not so humble opinion, Indian

Here is another 'fact'. beebee appears to be personally strapped for cash, or is unable to secure any kind of loan from any financial institution through his name, or prior business 'dealings'. . Successful multi millonaire businessmen usually don't have these problems. If he believed in his own 'scheme', he would not have to keep selling shares, and raising the 'AUTHORIZED'. beebee would be putting his money where his mouth is. There is a bad smell to PHGI, and it is not CAUSED BY THE INVESTORS. Moving to NEVADA is just a continuation of his real business plan. Lying becomes a way of life, and that is another 'fact'.