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06/07/08 11:11 PM

#24582 RE: flyonawall #24581


Do you live in a small town? I do. Our elected city officials are all considered part time. They do receive a monthly salary, but it is less than your teenager makes at MickyD's. Those who run for the positions are much more interested in trying to make the town a better place to live. Except for one gentleman who is retired, all of the other council members hold full time day jobs. Several own businesses in or near town, and they submit bids or make estimates on work in the area just like anyone else. I do not see what your concern would be if Mickey Crew were a city official and also a distributor for PHGI. It would be a small town common occurrence and in no way a conflict of interest.

Perhaps you can explain why you feel that, if they were one and the same, you consider it to be a problem?


06/08/08 9:36 PM

#24601 RE: flyonawall #24581

In all fairness, (and no one has persued the exposer of this company, perihelion global and JB anymore than I), while I know niether micky crew nor H d edgar personally i do not believe either of them to be in kahoots, as we say down here, with john beebe. That is, to any extent greater than that of a business nature and sincerely wanting to import and support a business that might benefit,economically, all citizens of Opp. I have, also, made suggestive remarks in the past along these same lines to a degree. However, given what i have learned in my investigative process, I do not believe either of these individuals or their respective companies to be involved in any deception or fraudulant schemes. I cannot say the same concerninmg John Beebe! Quite the contrary, it appears to me that his sole intent is to mislead and defraud investors of all that he can and outrun discovery. Dog