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06/06/08 3:01 PM

#67705 RE: Newhampsha #67686

Correct NH!! We need to tap into all of our resources immediately. Alternatives, while the way of the future, will in no way provide any relief for oil prices in the short term.

Yeah big government for not allowing us to use our OWN resources! Can you believe that the most technologically advanced country on the planet has not built a refinery in over 32 years? Is that insane or what?

If the US came out and said: "We are now going to authorize drilling in every place we can get at." ...You would see the oil price plunge.

I just wonder what it will take for the elites in Washington to get a little common sense.

Love the action today with DPDW though. This and the other oil services companies that I own at least makes a jump in oil like to today somewhat managable.
