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06/05/08 6:25 PM

#3054 RE: up-down #3053

Agree. Bartlett is a brilliant guy who did his homework.

I liked his conclusion:

"Using M. King Hubbert's predictive techniques, oil was predicted to reach a maximum in about 1995, without perturbations. But there were some perturbations. One of the perturbations was 1973, the Arab oil embargo. Other perturbations were the oil price shocks and a worldwide recession that reduced the demand for oil. And so the peak that might have occurred in 1995 will occur later. How much later? That is what we are looking at this evening. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that if not now, then very quickly we should see world production of oil peak."

There are people who are reassured by the "missed 1995" Peak Oil date, as a sign that Peak Oil is way off in the future. Conventional oil peaked in May 2005, so Hubbert would have been right about world Peak, if the 1970's disruptions had not occurred.

Bartlett is an elderly gentleman with children and grandchildren and he is seeking a secured future for them and all Americans. It is disgraceful that he has been ignored by so many for so long. But then again Hubbert was ridiculed until his prediction of Peak Oil for the United States in 1970 was accurate.

As Robert L. Hirsch has stated, "The longer we wait, the deeper the hole." As a nation, we have waited too long and we will pay for it dearly.



06/05/08 7:29 PM

#3055 RE: up-down #3053

Wow, what a terrific analysis. It is pretty scary that we are drawing down our oil reserves 4 times faster than the rest of the world oil producers.

What do we do when we can no longer draw down fast? No one will be safe anywhere because the have not nations will attack the nations with abundant oil and chaos will result.

Tonight on ABC evening news they showed a typical family in China, US and Africa with foods eaten and costs. in summation the African family was undergoing desperate food pricing and shortage. However that family had 11 members. What in the heck do these people think the planet can absorb?

On the other hand, we are doing roughly the same thing by using a disproportinate share of oil in the US.