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Lou Dina

03/10/02 11:35 AM

#1567 RE: Conrad #1566


Of all my claims to fame, (few indeed), I can say without reservation that my ability to "burn" cash has been honed to a razor's edge. I would be most happy to assist you in burning your mountains of old cash, new cash, or any other kind of cash. And if I am unable to accomplish this task successfully, I will give my wife a shot. She has a perfect track record. Send it on, brother!



03/10/02 11:39 AM

#1570 RE: Conrad #1566

Conrad, You will have to load them on a web site to get them here. It has to be a Web site that allows linking (Yahoo and others don't for private users). Usually your Internet Service Provider allows some free space!



03/10/02 3:53 PM

#1586 RE: Conrad #1566

Hi CW, I see you've been offered suggestions on both topics.

Yes, to load the photos or images here I first "up-load" them to my ISP's files that are reserved for me as part of my contract with them (so much web page space). Then, using Ihub's "chart" capabilities I can link them here on this page. The format is

[ chart ]www.conrad' [ /chart ]

You would not use the spaces between the brackets and the command words. Then the script disappears and Ihub goes and finds the image and pastes it in.

Hope this helps,