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06/05/08 2:31 AM

#181510 RE: equityseeker #181506

Ahh eq, where do I start ?

First, I am not an investor in micro-pennies as you state. Unfortunately I invested when the stock was a penny stk, lol. But I was not a penny stk investor then, I invested in the company, warts and all.

Second, the PR tdy in and of itself is a start. The contents suggest that steps have already been taken to "clean things up".

Third, This co. along w/ virtually every co, pink or OTCBB operate on the "abyss" and routinely flirt w/ BK, almost as an integral part of their business plans. These mkts do not sport blue chips.

Fourth, there is ample DD here to suggest that the Int'l mkt for Nicosan alone can exceed a billion $/yr. Fantasy, maybe, it all lies in the execution, no? In any case I am not going to substitute my judgement for the mkts', learned that one a long time ago.

Fifth, Have you ever heard of a share buy-back? Assuming ample production and sales increases a reduction in the OS would certainly be a reasonable use of corp. funds.

Sixth, The PPS and OS of the parent would matter little re: an IPO or ECO in Nigeria. The proceeds of which could be used for oper. expenses, to retire debt, or retire shares ;)

Seven, (I could go on but it is late on the East coast) addressing the share structure before addressing 1-6 above is akin to painting a hole filled rusty bucket and expecting Jack and Jill to come down the hill carrying water.

Be well

I get knocked down but I get up again, You're never gonna keep me down-jpl