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06/03/08 10:49 PM

#5793 RE: shaneyboy #5792

Hey! The Shaney!
Lot of good people have come here thanks to your vision long ago.

So when is the CD release party?

Yes, I'm still waiting. LOL!
I know I'm a pain but hey when you on the road and Casting Crowns is opening up for you you'll thank me!
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06/30/09 1:12 PM

#12938 RE: shaneyboy #5792

Shaneyboy ... I know what this board is about and want to give you all some info that is all about Profesy.
watch 1, 8, and 10 first. I am VERY SERIOUS here


What don’t we know, and why don’t we know it …
No Convincing and Detailed Accounts …

Controlled Demolition

There is Q&A’s below
Watch the ones with the (*) first, from top to bottom,
AFTER this Main Key section

Main Keys:
1 - CNN - President Bush Signs away the United State's ...
2 - Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
3 - ……. CIA – Dealing Drugs
4 - OIL... Short Version
5 - Long but Worth it. Insider whistle blower …
6 - TT - Building Engineer
7 - Twin Towers with Engineers
8 - Government Insider - George W Bush Authorized 911 Attacks
9 – Berry Jennings is Dead
10 - Buildeberg Organization
Bolsheviks Russia

7 - Twin Towers 2
8 - NO Supreme Court LAW for Labor Tax
A song called HUMANITY: It hits the nail on the head


Oil Info: Short Version
* 3 -
Full Version –

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo Film maker
* 2 -

Twin Towers:
* 5 - Engineer
* Senator Karen Johnson

The Amero, Chip:
* 1 -

Both, A Major watch …
* 6 - Twin Towers 1
* Twin Towers 2
The Pentagon:
* Long but Worth it. Insider whistle blower …
* 8 - NO LAW for Labor Tax
9/11 Truth: The Final Mystery Of 9/11?

Using Mini-Nukes

911 Web Sites:
Thank you for visiting The Journal of 9/11 Studies. The Journal of 9/11 Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only journal covering the whole of research related to 9/11/2001. All content is freely available online.
Our mission is to provide evidence-based, peer-reviewed research that furthers the cause of truth and justice. More about our efforts toward this goal can be found at the website for Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice. Given the quality research and large number of papers published here so far, we encourage authors to submit papers to established mainstream journals. See Fourteen Points... (paper published in a Civil Engineering journal).
Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, and Frank Legge co-editors … Steven Jones is a Major Physicist and Archaeometrist

Web Sites devoted to the Study of 911

Other Info: << This James Bond info “IS” correct.
* << Karl Schwarz
4 - << Lt. Kwiatkowski Pentagon Offices Witness
* << Total Proof Planted Bombs In The TT!

Alex Jones:

Bush << Bush caught off Guard

Fire Fighters Radio:
* Tape 3: Before, During and After the Second Tower Collapse There is more

The FreeMasons: This is where it all started, this far back.

There are MANY other Questions. Just answer these ...

A couple Questions: Twin Towers Q&A’s
Q1 – Has there ever been a protected steal structure in any part of the world collapse due to fire …
A1 – “NO” << 00:00 to 00:31 pause << 00:31 to 02:00

All these Questions from this One Video: Use the Timing << 00:00 to 00:00

Q3 – Why was the building ALREADY DUST … when it started to fall at the TOP …
A3 – Thermate is a V-Shaped (Shimeron) Charge that has explosive Reaction, and has 3 Million Pounds of pressure per-square inch at a speed in Excess of 27,000 feet per second with 4800 degrees. Sulfur was found from the residue on the beams that were cut. That means the charge was Thermate not Thermite.

Q4 - why was 95% of the concrete pulverized to "DUST" … Why was there no desks, chairs, phones, ANYTHING in the rubble …
A4 – Thermate is a V-Shaped (Shimeron) Charge that has explosive Reaction, and has 3 Million Pounds of pressure per-square inch at a speed in Excess of 27,000 feet per second with 4800 degrees. Sulfur was found from the residue on the beams that were cut. That means the charge was Thermate not Thermite. << 46:30 to 48:48

Q5 – Why were the Very Large Explosions in the Basements before the Planes Hit …
A5 – They needed to collapse the 7 stories in the basement so the building would have a place to fall into…

Q6 - why were there Fires, and Molten Metal approx. 1100 degrees down under all the rubble for months, when there was little air. Remember, a regular fire COULD NOT keep burning with mostly metal, and it would create smoke because of lack of air. Remember the top of the TT’s before they fell …
A6 – Thermate is a V-Shaped (Shimeron) Charge that has explosive Chemical Reaction, of 4800 degrees, melting metal … It does not have the same reaction to burn as a normal fire. Normal fire needs air and something to burn. Thermate is a chemical reaction to metal. There was A LOT of metal in the basement when the towers were down. Steven Jones on MSNBC explains … << 42:25 to 46:25

Q7 - how can those huge steel 600k pound beams be blown 200 foot away strait out from the TT buildings and stick into other buildings.
A7 – 3 Million Pounds of pressure per-square inch at a speed, in Excess of 27,000 feet per second @ 4800 degrees

Q8 - WHY ... did the building fall at FREE FALL speed ... each floor SHOULD have give resistance as it came down. It took just over 9.3 seconds to fall ... ( "Free Fall Speed" !!! )
A8 - Its simple ... when building are imploded, they drop at free fall speed, NO RESISTANCE...

Q9 – Can Steal building Fall because of Fire
A9 – NEVER … in the history before or after 911 “NEVER” has a Protected Steal Structure fallen due to fire << 08:35 to 10:20

Q10 – How much was the impact of the plane into the TT’s have an effect on the building
A10 – The Jet liners were no more of a blow than that of continuing Hurricane << 07:33 to 07:52

Q14 – What did the fire department say over the Radio about the fires burning on those floors.
A14 - Ladder 15, we have two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with TWO LINES … << 05:12 to 05:50

Q - Why was the Fire Department talking about a bunch of explosions all over the Building …
A – Pre-Collapse Interior Blasts … << 04:33 to 00:31

Q10 – Why did they clean up that site so fast.
A10 - It’s a Federal offence to remove evidence from a crime scene.

Q11 – What causes a fire to smoke a lot.
A11 - a smoking building, campfire means a fire is starved of air. It also causes the heat to be reduced.

Q12 - why were people saying that there was hugh explosions in the basement just before the plane hit
A12 – They were collapsing the basement so that all the materials from the falling towers had somewhere to go.

Q13 – why were ALL the 47 Columns cut in thirty-foot sections as they were pulled them from the rubble.
A13 - So they can be put on a 30’ flat bed tractor trailer.

Q14 – Why was the dust when settled generally less than 100 Microns in diameter, and what was in it when tested
A14 - exotic metals, computers, carpets, furniture, drywall, concrete and etc. … How could all these things be Pulverized to Dust

Points to focus on:
P1 – They say Fire was the cause of the TT heating the metal, causing collapse …
1 – Jet Grade Kerosene burns @ 1750 degrees, perfect conditions … (perfect AIR, perfect FUEL)
2 – The steal rating in the TT was 2800 Degrees @ SIX Hours …
3 – We need another 1000 degrees …
4 – The fires only burned for an hour, and they were small fires with LOW HEAT.
5 - Most of the fuel burnt up in the fireballs.
6 – Those fires were smoking a lot so the heat was reduced because the air was choked.
Example: A dirty or uncontrolled Open Air Hydro Carbon Fire reaches a MAXIMUN temperature of 1200 F degrees, caricaturized by a Red Orange Flame ... The Fire ball when the Planes hit the Towers was a Red Orange Flame...
Perfect conditions (perfect AIR, perfect FUEL), a Controlled, Regulated fire such as a (Stove, Car Engine) burns at a MAXIMUN temperature of 1800 F degrees ... Doe's YOUR STOVE burn up when you use it ... NO!
The Steal in the Twin Towers was rated at 2800 F degrees ... AT SIX HOURS ...

P2 – If the building were not imploded …
1 - why was 95% of the concrete pulverized to "DUST" …
2 - why was there NO; desks, chairs, phones, and furniture, or ANYTHING in the rubble …
3 – Why did they find a fragment of a woman’s bone on a rooftop a few buildings away? The DNA was found she worked in the TT’s.
A regular building that fell, you would have found these thing but they would have been flattened and or ripped.

P3 – The building fell Straight down at free fall speed
1 – how do you push … STRAIT DOWN … on 47 weight bearing core columns breaking them into … 30’ sections
2 - why did NONE of the 47 core columns remain standing?

P4 – The Official Report said the Pancake theory was how the buildings fell.
1 – If that is the case, each time a floor fell adding to another, a bit of resistance would have been there
2 – Each floor’s truss was doubled at each truss location. Each truss was bolted and welded.
3 – why was there no core columns standing when the pan caking was done
4 – The building fell at 9.3 seconds, FREE FALL SPEED … Absolutely NO RESISTANCE
5 – cutting the 47 weight bearing core columns in 30’ sections … HOW …

P5 – Example; Imagine that you take a slab of concrete and drop it off the top of the TT and let it hit the ground
1 – would the slab of concrete break up into chunks and pieces or dust …
2 – chunks and pieces have their own weight … Dust is has insignificant weight (Microns)…
3 – powder has NO weight per say. It would literally have to be heavier than gravity’s own weight to break itself.
4 – “WHY” was the Building Dust “BEFORE” it started Falling …….

P5 – Is the Plane capable of knocking the building down
1 – The Plane’s Maximum Takeoff Weight, 197.5 Tons = 395,000 lb
2 – The Towers weight is approx. 1,500,000 tons = 3,000,000,000 Lb’s
3 - 1,500,000 tons / 197 tons = .0001313 % … That is like taking a Ping Pong Ball and trying to knock you over with it.

P6 – Features of controlled Demolition
1 – Sounds of explosions
2 – Rapid onset of Destruction
3 – Enormous dust cloud
4 – Pools of Molten Iron
5 – Demolition Waves
6 – Total collapse of steal structure
7 – Symmetrical Collapse
8 – Free-fall speed of Collapse

All from this Video: Twin Towers 2


All these Questions from this One Video: Use the Timing << 00:00 to 00:00
Q1 – Why did a third building (Building #7), a 47 story skyscraper 350’ away from the TT’s fall “Strait Down” into its own foot print six hour after the Towers fell. This building had the CIA, IRS, Secret Service, Department of Defense, SEC and MANY others …But mostly it had the SEC Investigations of such as ENRON, 70B Dollar California Power Scandal, and WorldCom and many other ongoing Investigations …
A1 – They also believe it was the Command Center that Organized the Twin Towers. << 56:15 to 1:01:03
Q2 – Why did the US NOT broadcast, and let people know that third building fell, BUT! The BBC reported it went down 20 minutes before it did.
A2 – Hmmm, could they have planned the TT’s in that building? …

Berry Jennings is a department head for Emergency situations, and was in Building 7 heard explosions, and was trapped before Building 7 went down.

Pentagon Site:

A couple Questions: Pentagon’s Q&A’s
Q1 –
A1 – “NO”

P1 – Did a 757 hit the Pentagon
1 – There is two Engines on a 757. They’re rotors are 8’ tall, Why was there only “One” rotor found, and it was only approx. 2.5 feet tall
2 – Why was there no multiple bodies, luggage, etc.
3 – what happened to the 60 Tons of scrap from the Jetliner?
4 – why was there no dents in the wall where the 2 - 9’ tall engines hit … that had 60,000 Lb’s of Thrust “PUSHING” them …
5 – why were there no reports of the loud defining engines as it passed over the expressway before it hit.
6 - The landing gear was very small, and not of a 757 that was found in the wreckage.
7 – Since the 757 take long and wide turns … how come they did not hit the parking lot lights …

P1 – Mike Walter, a news anchor “Said he saw an American Jetliner hit the Pentagon”. He said he saw the wings fold back when hitting the wall
Q1 – Steel is stronger than Concrete, YET you saw where the wings went into the Towers steal, and you saw were the wings went in ……. They DID NOT fold …
Q2 – HOW do you justify an engine (Technical Characteristics -- Boeing 767-200ER Pratt & Whitney PW4000 with Engines Thrust of 60,200 lb)
just fold back when it’s FORWARD PRESSURE (Thrust) from the engine … IS SO INTENSE … the wings can’t help but follow the engine into the wall. If that were the case, the passenger section would have had an engine MUCH bigger than the one’s on the wings. Lets see 120,000 lb’s of thrust multiplied 1000 times over … those outer engines would have STILL pulled those wings in with the engines.
Which means the Engines are pulling on the wings and the wings are pulling on the Long tube where the people sit. SO! The wings are under a GREAT DEAL of stress in the “FORWARD DIRECTION” … And the other engine on the other side is doing the same thing. Giving a total of 120,000 lb’s of thrust HITTING THAT WALL …… Can that Pentagon wall Withstand a 120,000 lb direct Hit without leaving a dent where the engines were … So if the NOSE of the 757 can crash through the wall … why would the engines be stopped and pushed back when they “ARE” the thrust ………
Q3 – ALSO ask him why was the Turbine 80% in size, Less than that of a (757 – JET). … AND there was only ONE …
Q4 –
Q5 –

Building Up, Notes and Points

P – The four Planes were hijacked and taken Radically Off Course
1 – Sounds of explosions
2 –

P – 700 total Bone Fragments found 3 years after Recover Ended.
1 – less than a centimeter on the top of the Doitcha Bank Building … WHO put them there ……

P – How HOT doe’s the fires get.
1 – A dirty or uncontrolled Open Air Hydro Carbon Fire reaches a MAXIMUN temperature of 1200 F degrees, caricaturized by a Red Orange Flame ... The Fire ball when the Planes hit the Towers was a Red Orange Flame...
2 - A Controlled, Regulated fire such as a (Stove, Car Engine) burns at a MAXIMUN temperature of 1800 F degrees ... Doe's YOUR STOVE burn up when you use it ... NO!

The Steal in the Twin Towers was rated at 2800 F degrees ... AT SIX HOURS ...