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03/09/02 1:42 AM

#20 RE: groveswise #19

G, I read only those posted on the members only board.

Have not yet been there today(friday's) but do remember
mention of a Sally posting more of what was commented
upon weeks ago about her mention of special, as in not
common shares, being available. Also mentioned was
a possibility that the Haber Inc as we know it today might
be transformed into an entity that may or may not be what
we current common shareholders expect. Please let me
make it clear that until an official news release is posted
that all this talk of whats and ifs and coulds and shoulds
might best be filtered not in what we as shareholders want,
but based on history, what has happened in prior similiar
situations of other companies.

For sure your text of "... no experience with reverse splits,
why they happen, or if they'll help us or hurt us." has many
answers both in the yes and no, or good and bad arena.

If a company is on the edge of falling into bankruptcy because
it has no revenue, and does indeed have a service or product
upon which they are close to accomplishing, then for the
shareholders its a bad/lose situation where the bad is that
reverse split where like a 10:1 consolidation the number of
shares you hold is decreased by a factor of ten, as in if you
held 100,000 shares average buy price of 10 cents, then after
the reverse split you hold 10,000 shares average buy price 1 dollar.
This is where my average HABE buy price of a nickel could
become 50 cents and change my expectations of making
a fortune to just making nice money like a double or more,
but if the number is greater than a 10:1 like a 20:1 then one
enters a not nice place where its a hope to get my investment
back and not lose, even if the share price explodes upward,
for example an 100:1 changes a $0.05 to a $5.00 which may
be ok only for those who averaged wayyyyyyy down, but anyone
who held hold long term without any averaging down gets zip
even if Haber Inc becomes extremely successful.

Currently Haber Inc is not in my opinion in the above situation,
but yes it is in a situation that it needs "new" money, and so
the options available is to either do a reverse split so the new
money folks see strength rather than an equal to us shareholders,
or Haber Inc does that spin-off type companies where we common
shareholders get swapped or something with new shares in the
Haber Inc II company, but for sure it will be on the weak side
comparied to what the new money folks get, whch makes sense
since they are in the driver's side and we common shareholders
are on the weak postion as in Haber Inc needs new money to do
anything to advance Haber Inc, and we current shareholders have
already inputted our money into Haber Inc, upon which in a way
to think about it, our investment cash has already been used up
and spent to take habe Inc to where its now at, which is that we
do not have the ability to take Habe to a higher level being where
we can pump out products and obtain good revenue.

Its just a business fact of life, and i'll be surprised if when Haber
obtain success that the share price reflected in this success
is linked to my average HABE of a nickel.

Most likely, as in what i have already prepared myself for,
my expectation as in a best case situation, is that Haber Inc
does explode as a major company which is reflected in what
could be a 25 dollar share price, and my average of a 5 cents
is no more than a dollar when used to sell into the 25 dollars.

This may be what Sally "is all about" and is not a negative take
on the situation, but just the way business is done when new
money is needed and then control the terms to give them the
very best return. Haber Inc has the EMP, they have the money.

Who they are are simple investers or groups that may have more
than Haber as an avenue to invest into.

Seems Haber Inc has some strength here if the machine that
we all know as being x10 or more better than the competation,
is true fact, which so far has not been verified outside Haber.
