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06/03/08 2:55 PM

#20379 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Nice summary

Max Power

06/03/08 2:57 PM

#20381 RE: OntaREEo #20378

yes, very nice summary ontareeo! nice management surpises like the great news today!!


06/03/08 2:59 PM

#20382 RE: OntaREEo #20378

You state as I see it but you are better in putting it into word/
Great Job!


06/03/08 3:00 PM

#20386 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Very Nice Summary REE!


06/03/08 3:02 PM

#20389 RE: OntaREEo #20378

great work Onta, thanks

perfect to send it to some friends asking me about SRSR

tony montana

06/03/08 3:03 PM

#20390 RE: OntaREEo #20378

its posts like these that makes our board positive and for the ones posting negative vibes should read this post and rethink your current agenda, the connections scott is putting together should realy give us a hint on where the dots are starting to connect...............imo

Micro Man

06/03/08 3:09 PM

#20402 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Onta - good summary. keep your eyes on the prize.


06/03/08 3:15 PM

#20409 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Congratulations on posting one of the most concise & complete explanations of Sarissa's prospects.

Person Mark Added!!

"You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course."---Walter Sobchak (early nineties)


06/03/08 3:18 PM

#20414 RE: OntaREEo #20378


Nice dd post.

so called self proclaimed experts down the road...



06/03/08 3:41 PM

#20442 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Nice one!


06/03/08 4:01 PM

#20456 RE: OntaREEo #20378

This is in IBOX now!! Thanks.


06/03/08 5:11 PM

#20487 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Whom ever or where ever you came from thanks lot for taking the time to compile so many of the nuances of a developing company in this niche. I mean we have what I think are some hard working DDers' from different backgrounds that by nature have focused their comments, reports from the company DD from thier particular background and posted it as such. One reason I had been concerned about the Hawks report is it addressed so many things either overtly or covertly that the company is either doing now or needs to be doing without putting it all together, confused many . I know I can't. I do understand how some things are not interrelated to others and some are but your very concise run through the details as you see them is much appreciated by myself and I am sure many others that think this company will prove to be the winner we all hope for..seabreezing , again thanks for the post


06/03/08 7:37 PM

#20500 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Hi OntaREEo,
I want to thank you for your post today, #20378 Investment Opportunity/Status. It was a great read. I appreciate all the posts from people who are up front with their agenda and have positive things to say about Sarissa.

Good Luck to All


06/04/08 5:52 PM

#20664 RE: OntaREEo #20378


By the way, I like that emphasis in your IHub name...

That is a fine 18-point summary of the strongest points in the cards of this company. If others can see what you see, that's too bad for them. Maybe they will see it later at much higher levels.



06/04/08 6:14 PM

#20666 RE: OntaREEo #20378

Just had a chance to read this post. In response to the following items:

1. Agree
2. New management (I agree). Stellar quality is a subjective opinion and yet to be determined. Please direct me to the Teck Cominco report stating that they have set aside funds for a joint venture with SRSR. Until I see this report, it is unfounded conjecture.
3. Agree that he is not paid a salary. Until we see an Audited Financial and up-listing, he has not "YET" delivered on what he said that he would do. I stress yet. It could happen shortly.
4. Agree he hired Dr. Cam Cherition. Once again, it does not necessarily add instant credibility. This is an opinion.
5. Agree
6. Agree
7. As a shareholder, I completely dismiss this.
8. As a shareholder, I completely dismiss this.
9. I agree the next step is to drill. The next point that SRSR has told shareholders that they "WILL" drill is false. Please correct me if I am wrong.
10. Has no facts and deals in opinion.
11. This is a depressed stock is opinion once again.
12. Do not know enough about this subject, so I will agree with you.
13. Agree.
14. Agree with the four choices. The rest is conjecture.
15. Just copied the press release.
16. No way to tell. To say that the company believes? How do you know their beliefs?
17. Agree and hope so.
18. Agree with the first part. "Incredible" is once again opinion.

I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar errors. Wrote this in a hurry.