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06/02/08 10:07 AM

#3988 RE: jonesieatl #3987

Thanks Jonesie! So if we use your "free-float adjustment", we needed a share price of $7.98 on May 30th? As Maxwell Smart used to say on Get Smart, "Sorry boss, we missed it by that much". Heck, just a little May rumor run (like last year's, "water flood results by July, maybe by the end of May"?) would have likely got us to the magic number this year. But then again, it sure appears no one is falling for the continued "talk" and rumors anymore so it would have taken real 3rd party reported numbers anyway and those "real numbers" aren't supposed to be reported until sometime in June, or so the rumor goes. Sure hope this June doesn't turn out to be like last July and we never get it.

Today not looking too good...and its June! Bummer!



06/02/08 2:21 PM

#3992 RE: jonesieatl #3987

"Shares held by another listed company (non-member) or by private individuals will be adjusted if they are greater than 10% of shares outstanding."
If companies with less than 10% have all their shares counted then TIV's similar shares should only be adjusted so they meet the less than 10% threshold making them on an even plane with the other companies. To eliminate them all would be unjust.


06/02/08 6:35 PM

#4001 RE: jonesieatl #3987

2008 Russell Reconstitution

Revised worksheet.

Deleted 'Free Float' calculations.

Added the necessary percentage decrease (vs 2007) in Russell's minimum market capitalization requirement for TIV to be included. (-34%)

Added prediction notes.

Anyone else with a prediction?

The race is on! We're a contender!



04/01/09 9:29 PM

#4792 RE: jonesieatl #3987

Russell coming up in a couple of months

I wonder if the Russell has crumbled enough for a TIV PPS of around a buck to keep it in? Wouldn't think so. That's going to be a chunk of shares selling before too long. Of course, some shorts will use that action to buy shares to cover and go ahead and lock in their gains.

Last year: The 2008 reconstitution of the Russell Indexes took place after the market close on June 27, 2008.


Key Dates in 2008

"On the last trading day in May ( this year May 30 ,2008 ), all eligible securities globally are ranked by their total market capitalization."

June 13 Preliminary additions and deletions to the Russell Global Index and the Russell 3000® published

June 20 Updates to the list of additions and deletions

June 27 Updates to the list of additions and deletions

June 27 Reconstitution final after the close of the U.S. markets

June 30 Final membership lists posted for the Russell Global Index, Russell 3000®, Russell 1000®,
Russell 2000®, Russell Midcap® and the Russell Microcap® indexes