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05/29/08 5:54 PM

#23705 RE: ihubposter #23689

Why don't you call the company and ask..
if you would like to know what the term breakeven means I am sure Dean would be glad to tell you...veno
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05/29/08 5:59 PM

#23707 RE: ihubposter #23689

Main Entry: break·even
Pronunciation: \ˈbrāk-ˈē-vən\
Function: noun
Date: 1958
: the point at which cost and income are equal and there is neither profit nor loss; also : a financial result reflecting neither profit nor loss

If ONEV were to reach breakeven one day and then the next day (or quarter) were to be negative, then this would not be break even because they would be losing money. Breakeven means you are no longer losing money (although you are not gaining money either) This would include debt interest, all types of loss etc as a negative and be offset by posative revenues.

Simply put by defenition your financial situation cannot continue to deteriorate if you have achieved break even. Break even would be onev getting out of its financial nightmare which is why sburlias post is so nonsensical.