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03/08/02 5:08 AM

#1471 RE: lostcowboy #1463

Hi Cowboy

Some time ago I did hear the name Toggle Point in a discussion but I am not sure exactly what was meant by it. It gives me the idea tat this might be the point at which a Buy Advice becomes a Buy Order. If that is what you mean then I gather that the Toggle Point is the share price at the end of the Hold that case the toggle point is what I called the share price at which the Order is triggered = Trigger Point.

Assuming for the moment that this is what you mean:

PC/N= Share Price @ Hold Zone Limit

then you suggest that it might me more descriptive to call this share price the Set Point?

You might have a point here: The point that sets the Buy Order. I think of the set point as being the Reference for the process, and when the share price leaves the Hold Zone it toggles and causes a Buy Order to be generated.

AIM users have become accustomed to Portfolio Control for the set point and they have used the name "toggle" for something else. It's probably not important enough to change the name of the Toggle Point for the discussions on this Board but I would not object to it.

