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05/27/08 11:47 PM

#39353 RE: extra #39352

the lack of selling volume tells us that there is a lack of selling volume.. therefore, there is hardly any selling [so to speak] and when there is hardly any selling [a double so to speak] that usually means there is a lack of selling from those who would normally sell.. hence, in COPI's case the lack of selling is taken as a positive by us "longs" due to the FACT [and I mean FACT] that there is obviously a lack of selling by those inclined to sell unlike those of us "longs" that are not inclined to sell, [a double therefore], there is NO doubt the lack of selling can be attributed to sellers that are now lacking shares to sell!

when you really break this down, there is truly a lack of selling, isn't there?

pure n' simple.. due to selling lacking that has created an unfortunate environment for those canadian shorters [like there really are some, LMAO]..

btw, I know dozens have asked you this question before and we "longs" have yet to see your answer, BUT we "longs" will ask again; what broker do you [shorters] use to short these penny stocks? [sincerely, dearest yours truly]

[it's all good, believe me, and Bernie]

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05/28/08 12:39 AM

#39356 RE: extra #39352

come on extra! more cut and post about Moore's Law! are you serious? i already read the comics section today

"Dropping its retail Prices by 50% every ~18 Months,
[according to Moore's Law]."
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05/28/08 7:31 AM

#39357 RE: extra #39352

Man get serious, you sound like a broken record, copi and paste copi and paste, yeah we know, we know your opinions of COPI, and we have ours, Your constant yakity yakity is not going to work with us, period.
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05/28/08 7:33 AM

#39358 RE: extra #39352

Nope, a COPI buyout will be really nice for common shareholders!