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05/23/08 10:27 AM

#18888 RE: TonyMcFadden #18886

Eamon: Indiana Jones movies all have some form of mysticism in them and some pretty incredible things.

At every turn this movie had more and more unbelieveable (not just incredible) things.

You might not care but I'll reckon plenty people will when they see it. Is it likely that Rocky can defeat an 8' steriod ripped Russian that trains with the best technology has to offer? No, but he does. What would you say if the next movie was "Rocky vs. the Martians: Rocky on Mars" where he is boxing an alien for the fate of Earth?

It would probably be a little different. Just as the Ark of the Covenant melting peoples faces off (most people believe in some form of spiritualism) to interdimensional crystalline aliens whose skeletons are actually still alive (although made of crystal). Not to mention the majority of "The Last Crusade" etc, are not steeped in entirely unrealistic movie sequences until they get to the climax of the movie (IE glowing rocks burning a hole through a bag, bullet wounds healing in 2 seconds, and peoples faces melting off). Most of the stuff leading up that point are pretty believable.

The more believable the movie the more I think people can get into it, since "well I suppose that COULD happen".

It is an entertaining movie, but doesn't hold the standard of the early ones IMO.


05/23/08 10:34 AM

#18889 RE: TonyMcFadden #18886

agree,,,Indiana J is the last place to find realism...