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Imperial Whazoo

05/22/08 11:05 AM

#49753 RE: SteveoChicago #49716

I don't think you could be more wrong. This is an immediate thing. These folks have their reputation on the line with just about every Exchange on earth. They have no intention on lugging deadwood around. These folks have an established footprint of tremendous girth and thay have no intention of damaging their reputation by having Spooz be some kind of financial bad actor. They are a success in spades. A controller of a key mountaintop in a key industry. Sole providers of a needed service and you can bet your grandma that they will infuse this JV with such cash as is needed. If you think they are going to sit on their haunches and piddle while Spooz struggles to get up to speed than I have a slightly used bridge to sell you. This insensate negativism that oozes from too many who have trumpeted gloom and doom while laughing derisively at anyone holding onto an upbeat outlook, its reached the point of becoming a nonsense poem, IMHO. Its time to be frank and admit that this is an absolutely tremendous happening and it will mean all kinds of great thing, the least of which is the end of the necessity of raising money the old way. IMHO, there is no way your opinion that we are just looking at a future that is the mirror of the past could be more wrong.

Imperial Whazoo