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05/19/08 5:40 PM

#13009 RE: TraderRich #13004

A man who has let his company run from .003 to .36 to .0004 with not one thing he or his cohorts have ever said, or written in PR form that's come true in FOUR years, and has diluted the stock by over 500 million shares, probably doesn't trust ME anymore? A guy who said, when told 2 years ago that a certain shareholder would be dumping all his shares at .08 because he was pissed off at the lack of news, that the shareholder would "be very sorry he did". A guy who has dealt with SEC violators, crooked attorneys and other scumbags even when forewarned by trusted friends, and he won't trust ME anymore? A guy who wrote the last news release almost ONE YEAR ago, and promised in that PR that consistent updates would be forthcoming and he won't trust ME anymore?

I can live with that.

Me look like a fool if they end up revealing something big that was in the works that couldn't be revealed?

I can live with that. I'd like to be the SPRL fool one day, and if it happens, good ol' lazyeye will fade away into the sunset and no one will even remember my clear position here.

Am I so blind now that I don't see this as a possibility?

Absolutely partially I would say. I see it as a VERY slight, VERY miniscule possibility.

This stock where it is now only invites the kind of people you have seen here in the last week or so. Not long term investors like you or me or some others. That's what pizzes me off the most. That Sam let it get to this point. And it's going to take A LOT more than you jumping down my throat to get it where it needs to be to make all the stucks even.

That's all I have to say. I'm done.


05/19/08 6:54 PM

#13012 RE: TraderRich #13004

Richagain- I appreciate your outlook and the support,
but you cant really blame lazyeye for his posts because it is all true. I leave the posts because I feel anyone investing their money in any stock has a right to know what has gone on in the past. I will be the first to admit that the past has really sucked on this stock, but I believe Sam has taken a complete 360 degree turn from the original plans and gone a different route, so I am not too concerned about the past. As the IBOX says in the first line, I am trying to look ahead and not behind and no I did not put this in the IBOX.
"This board has been created as a forum for discussion of Strat Petroleum Ltd (SPRL.PK). The main thrust is to look forward not backward."

Every stock I know has many skeletons in the closet and most have many more than this one. I think most longs are just unhappy because they so far behind and wish they had the advantage of any new shareholders.(myself included) but again this happens in every stock.
PS- please dont address this post or lazyeye's because this is one of those type subjects that never end and bring nothing to the board. Best to just leave it where it lay for now.