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05/19/08 12:09 PM

#459 RE: OptionMonster #446

Last post for the day LOL. I have no idea where it will go. I'm gonna call the CFO today or tomorrow. Hopefully we can talk if she isn't swamped.

I still have shares in taxable acct but have sold off huge amounts of my total position. Luckily got rid of another nice chunk today everywhere from the $20 level to the $28 level.

Woooohooo huh!

This has been ridiculous. I will keep some shares cuz I want to see if I am even correct in guessing the earnings for June report and August report. There is some fogginess with the apparent pooled royalty interest vs straight ownership in the wells so we'll see what that does. It leaves too much ambiguity for me to bet big even if this drops back a fair amount. I need to know thsoe wells to have confidence. It bugged me that at first the comapyn put out a PR saying the wells were 21.45% owned each but then later they found that they at least THINK the wells are part of a pooled area instead. I guess the upside is all 3 wells have nice production #s so the pooled wells probably have high output #s when they come online. But I don't know which wells where so I don't know how fast they're declining in production, etc...

I like the company and structure so as mentioned will hang onto some shares regardless of where the share price goes. Plus I want to see this during hurricane season if an ugly gets into the GOM. Hopefully nothing of strength enters the GOM this year. I'll have to start brushing up on hurricane stuff, TCHP loops in the GOM LOL and all that funny terminology.

Hva efun with those 125 shares! I commend you for being patient enough to let some run and run and run!

PS- jaybird if you are out there I just wanted to say the whole low float, explosive growth, run to the moon scenario you call on some of your holdings was exactly spot on with MXC so hat's off to you on that call. I woulda never thunk it possible a month ago. Still not a fan of your capital letters and bold LOL but to each their own style I guess. It is defintiely a hallmark of your style.

Good luck all! I'm done for the day (posts)... Plus my daughter's gonna get up here soon and I want to call CFO.

PS- ACK! PERT is back on AYSI LOL. Stinkers... They're gonna be my nemesis. I need to make sure I know things better than them so am gonna have some work to do. Would be nice to know who that is first off... They have an edge on me with me blabbing about everything and them not visible anywhere. I may have to go stealth until I figure out who in the world (and where LOL) this is.