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05/15/08 1:54 PM

#12869 RE: Hurricane_Rick #12868

Oh come on now're not going to come in here and try to use logic and make all kinds of sense now are you? How dare you!

Oh, and btw, it's "proceeds", not "precedes".


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05/15/08 1:56 PM

#12870 RE: Hurricane_Rick #12868

You are right. At least GCOG has some news and hopeful things going for it. SPRL has nothing but silence. I got stopped out of this thing last year with a loss. Until there is news, I can't see this going up again. In fact, I'm baffled at the huge volume and promising move yesterday. Now it just looks like more dilution to put more money in Sam's pockets.

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05/15/08 1:58 PM

#12871 RE: Hurricane_Rick #12868

..Well sell the POS..and move on continue to spew all this counter productive...don't you think????...><...

This falling knife is all already hit bottom!!!><
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05/15/08 2:05 PM

#12874 RE: Hurricane_Rick #12868


I understand. Seriously I do understand. I have been in a couple that lost 95% over a 6-8 month period. (ETMO,RUNU,SLON etc). So please know that I do understand.

But have learned that penny stocks can shine. You are communication from the company and a history of just plain dumpage.

Best thing I can tell longs who have lost is either take the loss and move on....or average down here at the bottom and try to find that spark that ignites this puppy.

But the worst thing to do is nothing.....
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05/15/08 2:22 PM

#12885 RE: Hurricane_Rick #12868

rickj is pretty much right on the money with this stock. I have been it long enough to know. But doesnt mean it is the end of the line. Not a daytraders stock altho I am sure many managed to get a double just yesterday. I suggested yesterday that everyone flipping might want to hold onto a few shares just incase something does come of it. I would not recomend anyone buying this stock, but at these low prices might not be a bad idea to grab a few and hold onto. Anyone buying now will be way ahead of anyone who has bought in the past. No one hates the dilution anymore than me, but it may be the only or best way Sam can get the money for something big he may be working on. I dont think it was anyone of the longs on this board who got the volume surge started in the first place. When traders start seeing volume coming in many of them jump in because they know something is up. My question is what or who started all the buying in the first place. Not just one day but again 2 weeks later. And even tho there has been a lot of selling there have been more shares bought than sold IMO. Just wondering if someone in the know started picking up the shares. If Sam wasnt so secretive then maybe we wouldnt have to try and come up with our own conclusions. It has been quite awhile since news was released, so judging by past releases it is possible we could get one soon. Things more often than not do not go as planned when trying to start a new company. Tough job. If plan A doesnt work then you try Plan B and so on. I have heard that Sam doesnt want to see shareholders get hurt and is very presistant in trying to make this work. There is no guarantee he will succeed, but it is a risk verses reward. Even if he fails doesnt mean he didnt give it his best shot. My biggest gripe is him not letting the shareholders in on whats going on, but I knew before getting in that was his style and I still chose to get in. The float is steadily growing but one big deal could give them the funds to cancel or buy back the shares, so doesnt mean it is the end of the line. I guess bottom line is you either choose to believe in Sam or not. It is the choice everyone has to make for theirself. Anyone who has traded for any length of time knows it is not best to put all your eggs in one basket. Well good luck to all who stick around. Hate to see anyone lose money but again happens everyday and traders know this, so not losing any sleep over it.