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05/28/08 6:57 PM

#43 RE: BullNBear52 #38

Contest results 05/25/08 Coca-Cola 600 Lowe's Motor Speedway FOX/5 p.m.

Memorial contestant:
1 1 Goldman450 9 16 18 24 535 6415 0

Old/New Picks Points Total Pts Behind
2 2 capgain 8 9 18 20 478 5595 820
3 3 Phil 8 9 16 88 530 5591 824
5 4 ElisComing 9 17 48 88 506 5494 921
7 4 redfisher 9 18 88 83 525 5494 921
5 6 porscha 8 9 16 20 483 5460 955
8 7 Fortune_Cookie 8 9 48 88 473 5437 978
10 8 Newhampsha 9 18 24 83 520 5420 995
4 9 smoke20 8 18 20 83 402 5399 1016
11 10 dart1961 9 12 18 48 465 5357 1058
9 11 AUdad 2 17 48 88 436 5350 1065
12 12 spcalk 6 8 16 17 458 5347 1068
13 13 pointer101 9 17 48 99 479 5316 1099
14 14 Pete 2 9 18 48 480 5304 1111
16 15 jski 11 88 17 9 506 5298 1117
17 16 mnfats 8 17 18 24 481 5273 1142
19 17 jackson42 9 31 43 88 510 5251 1164
15 18 Old_Drummerman 8 17 18 48 439 5245 1170
21 19 EZMeanieNOMO 1 9 88 99 493 5217 1198
25 20 lawrenzo 8 9 18 24 520 5199 1216
22 21 Steelers_Fan 9 18 48 12 465 5174 1241
24 22 thirdflat 8 24 31 43 445 5125 1290
20 23 Mikey..Non Member 20 11 17 2 385 5124 1291
26 24 skeballlarry 1 17 18 88 486 5123 1292
23 25 lacymarie 8 9 20 48 422 5120 1295
28 26 mike_t 9 16 17 18 535 5120 1295
18 27 TavyCal*(3) 24 42 48 88 284 5064 1351
39 28 NovoMira/Nitro1 8 9 18 48 478 5057 1358
31 29 Carlos 1 17 18 88 486 5024 1391
30 30 MCArmel1 9 20 43 48 434 4983 1432
33 31 fordgonracn 24 48 9 12 455 4965 1450
32 32 frankie_fillet*(3) 12 18 24 88 430 4951 1464
35 33 iamshazzam 8 9 24 28 468 4908 1507
27 34 Billy9565 20 28 42 48 272 4872 1543
34 35 mick 12 18 20 42 389 4851 1564
36 36 CentualSue 9 17 31 88 510 4834 1581
37 37 A1MP503 9 17 18 88 525 4816 1599
38 38 Barren Realms 007* 2 8 20 24 398 4607 1808
39 39 The Original dpb5!*(3)17 20 24 88 425 4545 1870

*Used picks from last race. Failing to pick two weeks in a row will cause a contestant to be removed from the contest.