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04/22/04 8:17 PM

#3437 RE: stlogic #3436

So what if Wheeler did some not nice stuff. You had 2 choices and you seemingly did not chose the sell option. I will only say that the new management has bigger plans than simply fixing a problem caused by whomever. It's not their style. Read between the lines and ask yourself why did they raise the $3,000,000? Ask yourself why did investors accept this dilution and pony up the money? Ask yourself why Mr. Cudney and Northfield Capital have continued to increase their ownership in this company? If you come up with the right answer it will probaly make sense to average down. Yes, it would have made even better sense at 25 cents, but if insiders are paying over 40 cents why not join them. And you just had 2 cents worth of advice. LOL