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05/13/08 9:45 AM

#10811 RE: hasher #10738

Thanks to bill and what I've learned from him...
I do ALL my own DD these days. Short cuts for our DD work was
one of the reasons that I came here to begin with. With that
said it just about eleminates any reason to be a subscriber
here at all...with the coolaid list the ONE possible excepting
and THAT list ANYONE can get for free !
Until the Administration starts appling the rules farly and
equally, this place will remain useless to honest traders
and invstors.

PS...I'm NOT pissed about being banned from any board...but..
when all I did was to try and cool off a guy that was OBVIOUS
breakin EVERY RULE on Ihub by using profanity and personal
attacks and I see that THIS person is STILL POSTING what's the
point of caring what happens on this website ? Like this
microcap market in general, it's a very corrupt place.
The bottom line is...the Board Administration at WNBD has been
shamelessly pumping this BIG NEWS that is coming in the FIRST
WEEK of APRIL every since early MARCH. It is NOW the middle
of MAY and no such news has APPEARED. The pps is now less
than .015, leaving the vast majoirty of people who invested
in that company TOTTALLY in the bag....I'd say that banning me
was just par for the way that MOST of these board are run.
Though Matt was unwilling to give me any kind of a refund for
the THREE YEARS subscription that I'm only 6 months into, I
have requested that he remove my name from the list of people
who DO subscribe. For whatever people may think of me, I'm an
honest person and REFUSE to have my name associated with this
kind of a web site where the flow of information is so
manipulated that it is useless to anyone trying to make an
informed, rational decission about their investments. You ONLY
get to read what the PUMPERS want you to read and everything
else is either deleted or banned out right.
Who wants information like that ?