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Imperial Whazoo

05/10/08 6:15 PM

#48847 RE: jcrom56 #48833

Oh - I see.

You are confused as to why I chose to address you through a post to allie? Well, I was just in a hurry. I could as easily have gone back and posted using your post as the base, but I just did it that way because I was tired and in a hurry. I was not confused as to who was posting what and where.

And anyway, you have never explained whether you accidentally posted an ancient article from a two year old initiative. Did you just not notice the date of the article and accidentally bring it to everyone's attention that Microsoft IS a threat (according to you LOL) when the truth is that the best that could be said was that Microsoft, back two years ago, might have been a threat?

I'm agnostic as regards your intent and leave that to you to answer and others to contemplate. As far as I'm concerned, whether it was entirely an accident or not that you presented a long past Microsoft initiative as though it was a current concern, my points made in subsequent posts remain sound ideas. You have yet to discuss them, other than to accuse me of having blown a gasket. Oh yeah, and that I'm confused.

To paraphrase what I said moments ago in another post, I can not see how you can maintain a position, which is IMHO ridiculous, that if Microsoft delivers on their initiative, it will threaten Spooz. About that, I'm anything but agnostic.

Now, post a million posts calling me confused or blowing a gasket, friend, but the fact remains that you chose that ancient article to present for the consideration of the board. To paraphrase boca_bobby as regards Paul Strickland, I did not get in my car and drive to your home and hold a gun to your head and force you to bring up an ancient article as thought it was current news. And you have yet to explain it away as the accidental oversight I have been bending over backwards to afford you the opportunity as regards.

As for me, I'm deliberately and unconfusedly doing something constructive. Becasue of that, I'm done arguing with you. You see, I'm busy building an Excel 2007 spreadsheet that will hopefully plug into Spooztoolz and allow me to hit the ground running with my own algorithmic trading solution when the time comes. And guess what? I'm getting it done without a cluster of servers on the back end. How about that? If Microsoft calls and wants me to sign onto the trial-user list of outfits interested in their cluster based client server solution for algorithmic trading (you know, the one they announced as an initiative two years ago but have yet to deliver on), I'll tell them to give you a call. Capiche?

Imperial Whazoo