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mAjOr dAmAgE

05/03/08 7:27 PM

#93 RE: QualityStocks #92

EMDH Disclaimer from the website:

"EMDH: QualityStocks received 12,500 shares from a third party for 90 days of services."


THAT'S NEARLY $50,000 TO PROMOTE THIS STOCK (And at the time of the beginning of the promotion, it was over $80,000 -- the stock has fallen since the beginning of the promotion).


It is also unfortunately that refuses to disclose who paid so much for the stock promotion.

I note that any stock that is the subject of paid promotion on message boards should be looked upon with caution.

Entities that admittedly receive compensation should disclose said compensation in their promotional activities so that unknowing investors are not duped into believing that the information posted was done through actual due diligence.