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04/30/08 12:24 AM

#109104 RE: rca #109096

i understand your point and many of the deletions are justified, just as there certainly could be plenty of other valid deletions on other boards.
for example, on AQUI news about a polluted river in china has nothing to do with importing luxury spring water and is not relevant industry news.

but on the other hand, and at the heart of so much of the complaints about the moderation of the ADCS board is that alot of valid and relevant discussion is being deleted. and when that repeatedly happens, investors in the company who are researching and wanting to discuss the company they are invested in, are justifiably upset. and it appears, especially with your lawsuit, to be an orchestrated attempt to invalidate the company and be disruptive to constructive, or fun even ,conversation.

it is a new phenomena that second life content is being produced for mainstream media and that is the business that advanced content is engaged in. the television show CSI for example just produced such a segment with great success, HBO is about to release a documentary fully filmed in SL. this is relevant news that demonstrates the entertainment industry's appetite for the sort of content that ADCS is producing.
also , as most are not familiar with the world of SL , who the company is engaged in business with, some introduction to SL and significant developments within that company, seem to me, to be relevant ,on topic discussion and consistent with the way every other stock specific board on the ihub operates.

i think there is a middle ground of discretion that needs to be found here about what is relevant industry news.


04/30/08 1:05 AM

#109108 RE: rca #109096

HEY. ADCS IS Second Life....So how can you delete posts about possible advertisers/relations to ADCS ON Second Life....insanity....z