i normally disagree with you, but i saw the press club thing on CNN this morning and i could barely believe what i was seeing.
If a white person had said the same things that he said, they would have been cuffed and dragged out of there as a racist hate speaker. He came up with more stereotypes than many of us can digest in one sitting. And screw him, i will not stand by and listen to him mock JFK repeatedly as somehow justifying semi-english ebonic crap.
Why didn't he go the rest of the way and say that black boxers have an advantage because their skulls are thicker?
He could have struck himself in the forehead with a hammer and proved it right on national TV.
Or that black men can run 26 miles per hour in the hundred yard dash due to natural selection, because crocodiles can run 25 miles per hour.
The rest of the world has mostly moved beyond that racially offensive stuff but yet Rev. Wright just can't seem to let go of it. He should be an embarassment to the NAACP, as he is an embarassment to those of who are people of tolerance.