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04/24/08 3:05 PM

#48182 RE: leftyg #48178

haha leftyg i do find your screen name ironic

Yes I am part of the Obama nation!
I am pretty moderate Democrat but ironically Bush administration has gone so radically to the right that I am view was left winger!

The one great thing about OBama is that he doesn't have any ties to Oil Industry- I think he will conceive a manhattan project for energy independence -- as I have noted in previous postings

The ONLY way to make the price of oil go down in long run is to decrease the demand. Ford/Carter proves this in the 70s

Ford and Carter implimented aggressive energy saving policies
Our demand for oil dropped 30% for it's peak in mid 70s.

If we had followed the CAFE roadmap set in 1975 we would be driving in vehicles that average 42 miles a gallon The
CAFE road map was suspend in 1986 by Reagan because the oil glut was threatening to crash the oil industry.

if we have car that average 42 miles a gallon today
we would be importing ZERO barrels of oil from ME.

Creating technologies that help the enviroment and increase of energy independence are going to be a boom for our economy as much as the internet was in the 1990s -