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Imperial Whazoo

04/23/08 2:49 PM

#47865 RE: GekkoTheGreat #47863

Where exactly do you get the notion that I'm not taking price into consideration in my analysis of the Spooz chart?

Here is an EXACT quote from one of my posts in this thread:

" We had a volume spike of 99 million on 3/8/7 and the next few weeks, the chart cycled from .0048 down to .0015 and then back up to .0045. Very symetrical. There was a volume spike day at .0015 and guess what? To judge by the volume, quite a few smart guys with nerves of steel got in to ride it up to .0045. .0015 to ,0045 in 6 weeks. 200% gain in 6 weeks. I can live with that. "

Now, for the benefit of the 50 people who have me people marked, would you mind pointing out where exactly I am FAILING to take price into consideration in the arguments I'm making?

And answering this same challenge by using another of my direct quotes from this thread might benefit folks who have you people marked, if it weren't true that nobody has you people marked, but despite that, it might be helpful to the 50 folks who have me peoplemarked if you could be so kind as to point out where I omitted considering price in the follow quote I made in another of my posts in this thread:

" I contend that an examination of the chart shows that the 99 million day turned out to be a minor topping day and that there followed a swoon that lasted from 3/8/7 to 6/11/7. In between March and June, we saw a FULL retrace (by definition, a full retrace is a 100% retrace), first fully down and then fully back up. "

Now, had I not said "topping" and instead said "top", perhaps we could have all bent over backwards to accomodate the idea the I was referring to a spinning childrens toy, but in that this is a financial blog, I think it fairly safe to assert that when I used "topping", I was, by obvious implication, including prices in my arguments. And furthermore, would you mind explaining how I can be talking about "100% retraces" and cyclical action in a chart without intrinsically incorporating price in the ideas themselves?

Now as to the defense you made of your comments about SpoozChartz, if it is you admission that you know that there is not much of a market share to be gotten by SpoozChartz as a stand alone product, what exactly was the purpose of pointing out it has not sold a lot of copies? And where exactly do you get your sales numbers from? Exactly?

Kind regards,

Imperial Whazoo