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04/23/08 11:19 PM

#707 RE: dart39 #704

thanks for the info Dart. I understand that and excited about it and that is one of the reason why I have been buying this stock every month (not anymore though) and still hold a lot of this stock..

the problem is , it has been in the same situation for so many years (i.e. net asset is more than the stock price) and I am thinking that this is all is just a big fraud (more subtle type though). none of the reliable institution are touching them so on so forth.. they need to establish credibility.. I don't even know if the farms indeed exist (or the cash that they claim they have in the balance sheet). they keep acquiring companies/business though, and maybe in 2-3 years those cash might be gone..

I think if they really do have the cash.. it is a no brainer to buy back the shares (unless they are sure the business will die).. or at least pay some dividend with all those cash reserve.. jmho though...

why no one has done an LBO on them now? it just doesn't make sense, does it? can we (you and me) , do LBO on ETLT?

anyway, I'm still sitting on 130,000+ shares of ETLT.. and the big wheel is still spinning now (for several years already).. we'll see when it stopped whether this will become like CXTI or AOB or somewhere in the middle (I'm fine with somewhere in the middle)

hope all is well with you.. I saw your other post the other day (a while back actually) but haven't get a chance to respond.. sorry for that..
