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04/22/08 2:19 PM

#29850 RE: nez #29834

Why am I interested . . .
I closely follow utility actions in the State of NH and as a part of doing some research, was googling LLEG. In scanning downt the available information, I saw this discussusion board at the bottom of the first page. As a matter of curiosity I decided to see what it was and what was being said. In reading through some of the discussions, I was amazed at the lack of knowledge and understanding of what LLEG's Berlin project really entailed.

So, as a pastor and an educator I thought it appropriate to try and correct the situation by pointing out to you a variety of facts related to the project. I see my role as that of shedding light on items and issues, which I have attempted to do in a straightfoward and honest manner, citing references for all of the information that I provided.

If, in the light of that information, you decide that LLEG is a worth while investment . . . that is clearly your choice. As in life, each of us is responsible for the decisions we make and I would forever feel regret if I had failed to attempt to enlighten you.

That is the simple truth.

As to your question as to why I am not using official forums to address concerns . . . it is simply because LLEG has not filed for any permits that would open those dockets for discussion.
The state Division of Forest and Lands, in conjunction with the Coos County Economic Development Council has requested a study of the forest resources available in the Berlin region as their first step in producing the information that there is not enough biomass (wood chips) available in the region to fuel the proposed power plant in the future. That should be out this summer and will provide the first public forum for discussions.

I understand that you're just wondering and curious about my intentions. Hopefully the explanation helps. It is almost impossible to convince someone of good intentions and I will understand if you choose to reject my information. I, however, will feel unloaded for having provided the facts and allowing you to make an educated decision.