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TheInvisibleHand ™

04/21/08 12:45 AM

#120 RE: TheInvisibleHand ™ #119

Even in the USA, there is high demand for RCH as there is a great need for replacement of existing current and wall projects. The patented technology allows RCH to take on the worlds most advanced projects. In the USA there is high demand, even with slowing economy infrastructure projects are on every ones mind. Politicians pushing major projects as our infrastructure is need of billions of dollars of spending.

So RCH also plans to open a subsidiary in the United States, the bottom line is RCH is in the right business and the right time.
The company is transitioning from a leader in China, to becoming a global leader.

Zach's is misinformed, last year made 12mil + net on 86 mil, this year revenues alone in first quarter or almost double of all last year, but zach's is basing its numbers on 20%. It doesn't add up, morons. Opinions are like aholes, everyones got one, however im not going to take my investment advice from a misguided one.

Did my homework here, got my finger on the pulse. Dubai, China, and other emerging markets are still growing nicely versus the weak U.S. economy. Ill keep my money where the money is.

I can not think of any other stock out here, that is not only a huge growth story in its infancy, but a better hedge against the weak US. All these international deals, will continue to bolster earnings through currency conversion as the us dollar continues to be weak.

In summation, zachs is either a moron or in cahoots with the shorts, my guess is the first. I have watched his analysis be wrong for so long, i cant believe anyone even pays attention to his dribble anymore. My broken watch is right more times then Zach's analysis.