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Cutting Corners

04/20/08 3:25 PM

#20158 RE: back2basics #20157

Main Entry: 1pro·cess
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'prä-"ses, 'prO-, -s&s
Inflected Form(s): plural pro·cess·es/-"se-s&z, -s&-, -"sez/
Etymology: Middle English proces, from Middle French, from Latin processus, from procedere
1 a : PROGRESS , ADVANCE <in the process of time> b : something going on : PROCEEDING
2 a (1) : a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result <the process of growth> (2) : a natural continuing activity or function <such life processes as breathing> b : a series of actions or operations conducing to an end ;

Process simply means an order has been at least placed or recognized and they are proceeding with the paperwork...or whatever. I believed more was being done at the time than I do now but I believe the process is much further along now. Close to completion? Maybe. I got this information from Ken, so why don't you give him a call? You will at least be able to talk to his assistant but probably directly to him. I promise he won't bite you. You might learn something...? But you're right, I usually get most of my information from Tom, Dick or Harry. Those guys know their stuff.

"Come September - October, we'll see who's L their AO."

Let me see, you said 8 to 10 months, right? Come Dec., Jan., or Feb. we'll see who's laughing their AO ... right?