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02/24/02 2:23 PM

#844 RE: Conrad #800

Hi Conrad and Welcome to IHub!, Here we thought you were out in the cold somewhere!

The "decay" idea was to set a discount below the last buy price and have it diminsh over time to be back to essentially "by the book" at the end of a month. It slows down the buy process except upon exceptional conditions of deep discount near the time of the previous purchase.

I'm glad you're here. There's lots of good discussions going on and the BB counter seems to be non-stop these days. Almost everyone from TMF is here and other than a few straglers I think we have most of the SI crowd as well.

Best regards, Tom


02/24/02 2:32 PM

#846 RE: Conrad #800

Hi CW, Looks like I'm going to have to special order my

I've been sending them to the Millennium Poster on SI for several years. Here we are 80% the way to the very first Millenium Post for the AIMers on IHub. We've not even been here a whole MONTH yet!

Congratulations to all! Less than 200 to go before the next Secret Decoder for AIM success is sent out!

Best regards, Tom