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04/03/08 8:51 PM

#35750 RE: restripe #35749

I disagree...Look there are going to be all types in here with opinions about this play. There were some flippers that sold out as well as others that jumped in earlier in the week that took a profit. So be it...That's great if your looking to make a quick buck...There will be more of that on the way up. But IMO those that hold the shares tight will reap a bigger % gain as this thing continues to climb northward. Now if the MOASS occurs next week and clayton peppers the street with more PR's we could blow past .30 - .40 - .50 real quick...JMO If your suggesting one person's post could cause a sell off...Well I think that's a bit of a stretch...Sure some weak hands might have read that and bailed. No biggie small potatoes. Lots of longs here sitting on big piles of shares...They probably will be the one's that ultimately control which way the pps trends go on a week to week basis...


04/03/08 8:55 PM

#35751 RE: restripe #35749

You know whats funny I read that and thought the same thing i mean right when we get news and about 1 hour before the close. Hmmm. Fantastic timing I do have to say... 3 posts with similar message too!

You have to keep in mind though that Investorshub is not the god of Penny stocks. There are people who trade penny stocks who don't go on HUB sooo...Bottom line if a stock wants and the chart is pointing in that direction it will to move. I am slowly learning this whole charting thing and let me tell you... I can see no other way of trading. I have gotten burned on these pennies ohh so many times...