BTW my positive attitude isn't so positive towards this POS anymore. I thought i had some inside info (and maybe i did) that told me to post positive and our reward would come,SIAM was supposedly punishing us for all the negativity on the message board by putting off any news. Longs will be rewarded my arse. I believe i will go back to my old style of posting. I say hunt Alex down and give the crook what he has got coming to him. I also think we need to bug the pi$$ out of Carmel Kenney, If she gets enough mad people at her door and on her phone just maybe she will spill her guts!!!! Jmho. I read somewhere on this message board the other day a post with her phone # can somebody repost it please. I encourage all stock holders to call her, If she don't answer leave a message!!!! If this gets no results maybe we need to put an artical in her local news paper with the info we have. I say it's time to play hard ball.