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04/02/08 7:30 PM

#324277 RE: yayaa #324274

Great question...It simply is an insecurity problem with their physique. See Liberals feel such guilt within themselves, that they need an outlet to release the pressure so to speak. They know what they are doing is wrong and immoral, but they only think of themselves while committing the acts. Same as what they do to the people of America. They are selfish, hold their fingers to the wind and do whatever it takes to win seats in politics. They love to control the populace. They are power hungry. Hence, a prostitute is like a slave to them. This satisfies their desires of control in the ultimate sense, and fills the holes they receive from losing the slave desire of Americans who do not want to be. Just ask Spitzer, Patterson, and the rest of the Liberal list....

Obama Caught Trying to Deceive the Public About his Leftist Views

Our friends in the New York legislature are busy passing budget bills, so there do not appear to be any hilarious/depressing scandals to report upon at this time. So let’s turn our attention to a presidential candidate who likes to deceive the public about his liberal views.

It’s well known that the media has fallen in love with Obama and does not like to ask him difficult questions (if the cretins on SNL do a skit about it, it’s safe to say that it’s well known). The only person who gives him a hard time on a regular basis is the shrew Hillary Clinton, who few people really like. And we would be the first to admit that Obama is an intelligent, and charismatic individual such as most who deceive. Combine these with the fact that Obama is a relative newcomer to the political scene, and we have a situation where the democrat’s likely nominee is an individual that we know VERY LITTLE ABOUT politically except for his background. Voting "present" is not voting.

We are convinced that Obama is a hard leftist and that thoughtful scrutiny will bear this out. Misty-eyed talk about “hope” and “change” may work for old ladies and simpletons. But thoughtful voters are demanding that Obama provide specifics regarding his views.

Obama was actually interviewed about the issues on the questionnaire by the liberal Chicago group that issued it. And it found that Obama - the day after sitting for the interview - filed an amended version of the questionnaire, which appears to contain Obama’s own handwritten notes added to one answer.

Obama cannot fool the American people indefinitely. As this campaign wears on, it will become increasingly clear that he is a leftist that cannot be trusted.

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04/02/08 9:55 PM

#324298 RE: yayaa #324274

You mean Craig and dickless Vitter don't you?
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04/03/08 12:38 AM

#324323 RE: yayaa #324274

Yes, they're weird aren't they?

They like women and not hairy backed, muscle bound studs, or fresh-faced prepubescent boys.