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04/02/08 1:45 PM

#5056 RE: Leftcoaster #5054

2dabank...I'm not bashing the trading. And I see better now what's going on. It's not just low ball buys that are then held long term. The low ball buying is so they can flip those shares when the ask moves up and then they have their core position that they don't touch. I've never tried that and would worry about getting burned if I did. But I could keep my long term position and play at flipping short term on the side.


04/02/08 5:22 PM

#5068 RE: Leftcoaster #5054

Exactly. Of course, the risk one takes with this approach is the stock could run off and leave them - and hence the reason not to sell them all. This stuff is Otc 102, and I assume the way most seasoned investors remain a very volatile market.


04/06/08 11:17 AM

#5133 RE: Leftcoaster #5054

The LBWR story is finally ready to take a bigger stage. I know many serious investors will not even touch a stock that is not SEC reporting (which is usually a good policy). The company is really starting to grow into it's share structure, and starting to actually have a real EPS. We think $1 or more is likely in the near future. Check some of the easy math.

25MM revenues @ 20% margin = 5MM net

$5,000,000 / (o/s) 141,000,000 = .0355 EPS

.0355 x 20 = .71
.0355 x 30 = 1.07

Now, 25MM revenue is 1/2 the goal that CEO George Dexter Morris set on the front end for his fledging company. He is known for making his goals, so I feel very good about the 25MM number.

Right now we know we have over 4MM in revenue for 2007. We also know that Mr. Morris made mention of a huge new contract with "extremely large aerospace company". We think this to be Boeing (none other!) and that it will add at least 2.5MM in revenue this year. According to this poster ( ), looks like we already at 7MM for 2008, assuming nothing changes.

So how much time will it take to get to 25MM? Who knows. The CEO has made mention that he has an idea or two that could potentially grab 20MM in just one shot. If he were to close one of those, then we could be at 27MM instantly. Of course, if that does not work out, I guess we just keep knocking down Fortune 500 companies till we get there - and I think we will. :-)