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02/21/02 11:48 AM

#5012 RE: smart_sassy #5011

Sassy,8th/As far as Dennis's kahunas go Sassy...

he lets anyone play with them. Fickle devil that he is.
Lying bitch that you are, Neuro shall never get his nancy hands on my kahunas. Or kahunae, for that matter, try and awkwardly lunge for them though he might. I do have my standards, and I draw the line at creeps. He's always got Righton to go back to and jerk off.
OK, you've been using that term a lot lately. Who is the bitch - me or 8th??

What, Sugar, I have to choose? Uh! Well! Excuuuuuuse meeeeeeeee! Let me just put on my boa and strut my stuff on outta here, I can see I'm in the presence of pussy much too classy for a rancid old drag queen's ass like mine!

And we know how you feel about Neuro, but would you let Indy get his hands on them?

Oh, Sugartwat, don't you know by now that I'd roll like a croissant and crack a smile for that man for the merest smile he threw in my direction? {tosses head} Ho! Like a horse, Sugar, only like a HORSE!.

Or, in Indy's case of course, like a Shetland pony...

We know that guys like to watch women go after each other, maybe us women would like to see two guys together. LOL

Oh, well, you bring the KY-Jelly and Indy and I'll bring the party...BITCH!
{flaming gay persona off}
Of course, you bitches all know that it's only the men who are most secure and confident of their own masculinity who aren't afraid to put on shit like that, don't you?

Don't you? Heh! Heh-heh! Sure you do!
BTW, 8th, I understand that I missed your birthday. Happy, happy. 21, again? <g>

Yeah, and just think -- that only covers her out to the end of her left boob!

I've been under the weather for a few days and did not even turn the computer on on Tuesday. (Still not feeling great and don't know how long I'll make it today.) Hope you had a good one.

By all accounts, she did, Sassy. And we've agreed to get together one year and make it a mutual celebration.

Hey, maybe she'll take me for a ride on her Harley...ooooo! Was that as dirty as it sounded?