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Replies to #1450 on Accel Energy AG
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03/30/08 5:35 PM

#1451 RE: I Don't Sell Homes #1450

No no Mr. ISH..

AUDITED 2006 earnings of $0.13 and rapidly increasing from there.
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03/30/08 5:39 PM

#1452 RE: I Don't Sell Homes #1450

22.11.2007 | Accel Energy: Exclusive Interview with Anthony Chirico, CEO of Accel Energy-Part 1
Accel Energy (ACY; WKN: A0LFLF) has in recent months become a global player molted, in a variety of interesting markets operate. Among other things, it has a strong foothold in the booming China market. About the further plans of the company, we have with corporate chief Anthony Chirico spoken. The steering group knows some very interesting details to report: Among other plans in the foreseeable future a segment shift in the Entry Standard of the German stock exchange to attract new investors, and much more! Read today, the first part of the interview.

INVEST INSIDE: For Accel Energy was in the past two or three months rather calmly. Fortunately, in this time is not really a lot of messages from their companies. What was the reason for this silence?

Chirico: We have decided to implement some changes. That was especially the PR activities. We were with an agency, which for us was not really satisfied. There were also some negative publicity, a few bad headlines about this group. We have this agency and therefore fired us for a new agency decided.

INVEST INSIDE: Does this also to the fact that the price recently went down so far, so much has relented?

Chirico: Yes, I guess. Some of the negative reports on this group is definitely on us. It added, however, that we in the Open Market, the OTC, in Frankfurt. This segment is for many investors, and funds for banks rather uninteresting. These investors expect that at least one in the Entry Standard quoted, so they invest in a company.

INVEST INSIDE: There are also considerations that in the Entry Standard could go?

Chirico: That is our plan. We are therefore just the right partners for this step.

INVEST INSIDE: What time limits exist for this plan?

Chirico: My personal time target, of course, is as soon as possible, preferably tomorrow, I would like in the Entry Standard. But realistically, there are probably 30 days to 45 days, at the beginning of the year could be with this step also. Then we want to be on the Entry Standard.

INVEST INSIDE: They currently have approximately 77 million shares outstanding. That is, the market capitalization of Accel Energy is around 18.5 million euros. However, they had last year a net profit of 6.6 million dollars. This is her company undervalued?

Chirico: That is absolutely correct.

INVEST INSIDE: Last year, they had a turnover of 61.5 million dollars and a net profit of 6.6 million dollars. Where are some forecasts for 2007 and 2008?

Chirico: 2007, we should sales in the amount of 66 million dollars, the profit should be between 6 million and 8 million dollars. A forecast for 2008, we are still not. So we always wait until the fourth quarter. That is, in our industry, so often, there are many factors that play a role. At that time, which often offers to the customer, it gives the orders, and only then can a better prediction of the course of business.

INVEST INSIDE: Where do they currently the focus of their business is in China or in Jordan?

Chirico: The main business is clearly at the moment in China. In Jordan, we are still in the development stage. There, we just opened an office, where we are in the registration process by the authorities. We still need some approvals and then there may also our business.

INVEST INSIDE: So we concentrate initially on China. There they are in a variety of fields. With a partner to operate a refinery in China, which is a joint venture. What is the situation?

Chirico: This refinery is the revenue particularly important to come here most of the money. So long as the oil price continues to rise, our profitability will continue in the height. The production costs that remain on the same level, there are no cost increases. This could be the figures for 2008 very much influence.

INVEST INSIDE: If they say that the price of oil so its figures can influence heavily, then where is the pain threshold down?

Chirico: Exact numbers like I did not publish, particularly in relation to its peers. But the price has to go very far down that he has been somewhere in the range of 30 US dollars to 40 US dollars fall, so that we no longer profitable.

INVEST INSIDE: Which has its refinery capacity?

Chirico: The capacities range from 3 million metric tons.

INVEST INSIDE: You also have in Maoming a big project. Can they here a short update? What is there in the near future to run?

Chirico: The plan is that we will have a Förderbetrieb for oil shale build the 10,000 barrels of oil a day, can be manufactured. These are then 3.2 million barrels a year. With the funding, we rely on two different groups. Here are running the negotiations. The cost to the system of this size to build, are at about 325 million dollars. We are currently in the last stage, in order to obtain this money. In the winter down there, we can not work as much as we are hampered by the cold. But in the spring of the work should be fully there.

The 10,000 barrels, we are not all at once and not just at the beginning promote. That will expire in steps until we reach this maximum promotion, it will be two or three years. The first production will probably end 2008 to be able to promote the maximum will be reached, it will be at least 2010.

INVEST INSIDE: The financial aspects are being negotiated. You should also have good news soon made?

Chirico: Right, because I am hoping for a big Christmas gift.

INVEST INSIDE: to negotiate because they primarily with American banks, with Chinese banks, with institutional investors?

Chirico: Our negotiating partners is primarily an institutional investor from the Middle East.

INVEST INSIDE: How long they feel they can this project in Maoming? What is the capacity there?

Chirico: the rich local capacities for more than 50 years. However, our production capacity even further. If we enlarge the plant, we could also more than the targeted 10,000 barrels a day.

INVEST INSIDE: In summer, they have reported that they lubricant to some shipping lines to sell. What is the feedback of this ship operators?

Chirico: The product is very well received. It had all the positive properties, the operators were looking for. As it stands, this contract has not only extended, it will even be extended. This means that he is not only one year validity will have, as was the case last. In addition, the order volume increased.

INVEST INSIDE: This first contract had a volume of 9 million dollars?

Chirico: Right. But now we want the upcoming contract like double.

INVEST INSIDE: Has because in the industry by now that they have such good products? Have other companies in the area have reported to them?

Chirico: That will still happen. So far, we have not knocked at many doors, but that will change. In China, the ship lines primarily by government agencies. There are only two companies with which it is possible to work. Until now, we are working primarily with one of these companies. We consider, however, that we will also turn to other companies, for example, Hong Kong act.

INVEST INSIDE: The project is not only limited to China. You can also engage internationally, for example in the Philippines or Vietnam? Is it because there already plans?

Chirico: I think, therefore, we will soon take care of. First, we must of course with our current customers. We need to know how much they want, what they order. If they expose the entire production, we can not, of course, more to other companies.

Vietnam and Cambodia are here, but clearly on our list. I was there only a few months and was in charge of the traffic and transport sector spoken. There I first contacts, I have asked for the details of who is responsible for what tasks, such as buying habits, etc. We look feeling is that people in those countries very good business. Many of the large companies are only in the major markets in, after Europe or North America. This is a chance for us.

INVEST INSIDE: You said this internationalization also depends on the production figures. How much can they produce?

Chirico: More than 600,000 tons per year, we can produce. The contract with the Chinese vessel amounted to just around 20 percent of this sum. You can also have a lot on the market.

INVEST INSIDE: In China, there is another project of Accel Energy. There they provide gasoline to about 500 filling stations. It has not last much longer. Is this news?

Chirico: The filling station project, it is a one. This contract is ongoing. Very likely it will also extend, if we agree on the price. Since I am quite confident.

INVEST INSIDE: This is a fixed price, so it from the higher oil prices would not benefit them?

Chirico: If you pre-orders, as in this case, then there is 10 percent surcharge if the price of oil exceeds a certain limit. So, we can still benefit from higher oil prices.

INVEST INSIDE: Is it because of these 500 petrol stations remain or be added more?

Chirico: Hopefully, that number will increase. The Chinese wholesalers, with whom we will cooperate, would like to like to enlarge. Maybe he even reached the mark of 1,000 gas stations, which is his goal. Whether he is actually 500, or only 100 additional petrol stations opened, we can deliver in any case!

INVEST INSIDE: Another project is the slate-asphalt binder. What is there?

Chirico: We are in the process for a further small investment. The aim until spring start production. That would be a perfect timing, because it will take part in the road construction industry to a greater demand. From spring to early autumn, there is the highest demand, then ebbt again.

INVEST INSIDE: Do they have customers for this production?

Chirico: We have a customer, especially for this production. A refinery, which sells asphalt itself, wants to buy up the entire production and its asphalt mix. This would take over the entire capacity.

INVEST INSIDE: Are there other activities of Accel Energy in China?

Chirico: In China, we are still heavily in research and development commitment. Our strategy focuses on the asphalt binder, and the oil from the shale rock. Moreover, projects with universities and research institutes.

INVEST INSIDE: What are their connections to the Chinese government, official bodies? Is there a permanent replacement?

Chirico: There is a very regular communication, we are in constant contact with each other. The course also opens some doors, the other could stay closed. Because we have been there so many years, we have more advantages. Chinese are very concerned about long-sought friendships, which brings us additional advantages. Today many companies go to China, because they are the great hope for riches, but we were already there from the beginning. We have these companies to big advantages: They know us, they trust us, we are already in place for a long time.

INVEST INSIDE: There is, in the next few years, many big events in China: the Olympic Games in Beijing, the Shanghai Expo in, or the Asia Games in Guangzhou. Are they in any way involved in these projects?

Chirico: Not directly, but indirectly, we have received several requests. We aim for some companies that are there to participate in tenders as subcontractors work, as In road.

Read on Monday the second part of our exclusive interview!


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03/30/08 5:39 PM

#1453 RE: I Don't Sell Homes #1450

Part 2:

Accel Energy (ACY; WKN: A0LFLF) has in recent months become a global player molted, in a variety of interesting markets operate. Among other things, it has a strong foothold in the booming China market. About the further plans of the company, we have with corporate chief Anthony Chirico spoken. The steering group knows some very interesting details to report: Among other plans in the foreseeable future a segment shift in the Entry Standard of the German stock exchange to attract new investors, and much more! Read today, the second part of our exclusive interviews.

INVEST INSIDE: You also have plans in Indonesia. What is there?

Chirico: There are a number of countries in which it interesting opportunities. In Indonesia, there were questions, but also from Malaysia has contacted us. Above all, our experience in the field of road works there is demand. We have been in these countries, but also in Cambodia, and Vietnam, asked to review their slate deposits to throw. This will include questions on what to do, whether we could take over project management, or whether we in the organization could help. This shows that we are clearly out of China to grow. In 2008, we will probably further offices in various countries open up.

INVEST INSIDE: you can from those countries and projects in the coming year, but still not high turnover?

Chirico: no. As you can imagine, there is just as complicated as in China, as in many other parts of the World. One has to go through the registration process, open up an office, you must have the right people talking. We must carefully consider whether a business there for us to make sense. There is also examining how complicated it is to spot deals. If it takes too long, the right relationships, it is not worth it for us. If this is a reasonable time, then we would be very happy to do so. Just as a review runs just in case Cambodia. Our men from Shanghai were repeatedly down, I was already there. There are a number of projects, there is money available. Whether it is running well at the end or whether it is lost time, we can not yet say. But it's still too early.

INVEST INSIDE: What about Jordan?

Chirico: This is a totally different story. As we make great progress, we have relationships, we open up an office there now and take care of the administrative matters. Then we need employees, the General Manager, we have been selected. In the first quarter of 2008, this office to work.

INVEST INSIDE: In Jordan, there are primarily two exciting projects: the refinery and the Öl-Feld by Attarat To Al-Ghudran. Are projects currently in development state, or is it already here next?

Chirico: Man is on the development status clear. We just do the feasibility studies and are dealing with the design issues.

INVEST INSIDE: Do they have the green light from the Jordanian government, to the Ölschiefergebiet by Attarat To Al-Ghudran to work? Or are they one of many competitors in this dispute bidder?

Chirico: We have a total of three firms in this round. Just as it looks, however, we will all three of this company may be involved. The field is very large and those responsible will be split into different areas. There is no okay for one of the parties, as the results of the feasibility studies are still pending.

INVEST INSIDE: Will it be a joint venture with one of the other companies, or will they enter into a joint venture with the government?

Chirico: No, we are independent, but we will certainly partnerships with Jordanian businesses, for example, with a Jordanian construction company.

INVEST INSIDE: To do that, they will be more money?

Chirico: No, but we have enough money. There is another group of financiers, also from the Middle East, in the project in Jordan is interested. In discussions with the investors from the Middle East, the project in the Chinese want to invest, we are already on. After all, there is also the project in a later phase. Once we have the "go" from Jordan, we can also continue with the negotiations progress.

INVEST INSIDE: How much will the investment in the Jordanian oil field?

Chirico: This is similar high as in China.

INVEST INSIDE: On the field will be huge amounts of oil. For its turnover is a whole new dimension. Why is the stock price will still so low?

Chirico: We are listed on the Open Market. And the stock market is very simple, it is responding to demand and supply. If more people buy the shares, the price goes up. But if the offer is high, it looks different. But we go to the Entry Standard, we have investors in the process of applying for the fast money is not really interested in the long term rather than stay.

INVEST INSIDE: The Ölschieferfeld this is a project in Jordan. The other project is the refinery. How far are these negotiations progressed?

Chirico: Once we the green light by the government with regard to the feasibility study, we can continue.

INVEST INSIDE: You have some important personalities from Jordan met, including the energy minister. How do you imagine such a meeting?

Chirico: The process is very simple. The leaders already know us by various meetings. Currently, however, there are the parliamentary elections. Then it is clear that whoever assumes Ministry and then the decisions. We expect it in any case in January news from Jordan.

INVEST INSIDE: Let's talk briefly about the possible listing in Dubai. They hope that this will help attract attention and more investors in the Middle East. Or are there any other reasons?

Chirico: Thanks to the financing talks in the Middle East, we now whether we are on the stock market of Dubai, whether we will seek a listing. This plan, we will probably 2008. Then we in the United Arab Emirates to open an office, which is a prerequisite. From there should be a representative of the Middle East for us. We already have a lot of attention from investors from the Middle East. Our interest in the local stock market shows them that we mean business. There is a lot of money, so that we can work for other investor groups, which later invest in other projects, lighter open. One must always staying where you are dealing with wants.

INVEST INSIDE: Are for the next time because acquisitions are planned, or they invest their money in projects that are currently pending?

Chirico: No, there are currently only investing in our own company up.

INVEST INSIDE: Are there still any other projects that lie ahead, in addition to China, Jordan, the listing in Dubai and perhaps the road works in Indonesia or Vietnam?

Chirico: This is for the moment absolutely enough. Even this requires a lot of traveling through the area. We have many hot iron in the fire and if all happen, we employed a very good company, which a lot of other people must adjust.

INVEST INSIDE: Thank you for the interview!