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03/30/08 1:27 AM

#61002 RE: rooster #60971

rooster -- that's all you got from it, the entire sum and substance?

re Wright's sermon -- audio and transcript linked:


Religion Sneak Peek -- unpacking an entire Jeremiah Wright sermon

Jeffrey Weiss
8:38 AM Fri, Mar 28, 2008

This is the Religion Sneak Peek, an online newsletter that is sent to subscribers early Friday morning. It's a bit from me and a tout sheet about some upcoming Religion stories you can expect to read in the Dallas Morning News. To subscribe, click here [ ] and go to the News link on that page.

Primus: It's the gift that keeps on giving: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's now famous/notorious "God damn America" sermon. I've already unpacked [ ] why that most-replayed quote is a matter of theology rather than expletive. But when I did that, I had only heard/read the soundbite extracts from that sermon. I've now read and heard the entire thing.

For everyone who has either attacked or defended Rev. Wright, I have a suggestion: Go and do likewise. The text and audio of the whole 40 minutes or so of what is formally entitled "Confusing God and government" were eye-opening to me -- and not in one direction. This sermon is profoundly anti-government in general, anti-U.S. government in specific, and boy-howdy anti-George W. Bush. But it's also a message of hope and redemption with a solid stream of links to bible verses.

Here is the link [ ] to the audio. And here's [ ] a transcript.

Go read and listen. I'm going to do some exegesis here on his exegesis. Which is positively Talmudic, come to think of it -- commentary on commentary.

Getting rid of the style stuff first: In a culture where showmanship (in a good way) is part of what is expected in a preacher, Rev. Wright delivers. Hard for me to imagine anybody sleeping through this sermon. He whispers, he roars, he dips into common language, he pulls out some long words. And yup, I think he's clearly dropping some phrases in for the sheer shock value -- but they all make his central point. Which is that governments lie, change, and fail. But God and Jesus do not. Sounds like a conservative Christian sentiment, yes?

But oh, the details.

He starts with Luke 19:37-44. Jesus comes into Jerusalem and the Pharisees tell him to tell the crowd to stop cheering. Jesus basically tells them to pound sand, that the rocks and stones would take up the cheer. And then he weeps for what he sees will happen to the city.

Rev. Wright uses this as a springboard to attack government. He explains how it was the Roman government -- and specifically the Roman army -- that was responsible for killing Jesus (and by inference, not the Jews of the day). And then he compares the Roman occupiers of Jesus' day -- he calls that "Operation It's Really Freedom" -- with the U.S. military occupation of Iraq.

Rev. Wright suggests that Jesus wept because the people were looking to him for miracles and worldly power -- government-style power -- rather than spiritual power. And then he tosses American history into a rhetorical blender:

The despoiling of the Indian nations, the years of slavery, President Bush declaring an Axis of Evil. He accuses President Bush of wanting to kill people who don't have the right religious beliefs: "Our money says In God we Trust, and our military says we will kill under the orders of our Commander-in-Chief if you dare to believe otherwise." (And how was it that quote didn't make it to YouTube?)

Then he spends time discussing the lies, changes, and failures of governments. As a mater of oratory, this is where he really gets going, spits out examples fast and furious, as a way to get the crowd with him. And this is where he really starts to play loose with some of the facts.

Some of the "lies" he cites are supported by historical evidence: the "lie" that all men were created equal at the start of the nation (not blacks, not women), The Gulf of Tonkin resolution that justified the Vietnam War (based on reports of an unprovoked attack that most historians say did not happen), the Tuskegee Experiment (government researchers didn't treat syphilis in a group of black men to see what would happen), the bombing of Cambodia (Nixon denied it [ ]).

On the other hand, he makes other claims that have far less credibility: The Tuskegee doctors did not actually infect the men. Most historians say the government did not get a clear advance warning of the Pearl Harbor attack. It was well beyond the power of medical science to "invent the HIV virus" when it was first detected in Africa in 1959 (And no, that's not a typo [ ]. The detection was well after the fact, in a blood sample taken in 1959 in what was then the Belgian Congo.).

Then he heads into "governments change." And makes the point that "All colonizers ain't White. Turn to your neighbor and say "oppressors come in all colors." Hello, hello, hello."

Hello, indeed.

And he lists changes in the U.S. government -- the elimination of slavery, of segregation in the military, of opposition to black voters, of Jim Crow laws. "It was Apartheid American-style from the cradle to the grave, all because the government backed it up. But guess what? Governments change!"

He simply insults President Bush as an election-stealer and a "dumb Dixiecrat."

And then he lists failures of the U.S. government: Treatment of the Indians, of Japanese during WWII, of blacks from slave days until now. And that's where the most-repeated quote comes from:

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing "God Bless America." No, no, no. Not "God Bless America"; God Damn America! That's in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God Damn America for treating her citizen as less than human. God Damn America as long as she keeps trying to act like she is God and she is supreme!"

He ends with a straight-ahead call for people to turn to Jesus rather than government: "If God can get a three-day Jesus up out of a grave, what's going on in your life that in anyway can't match what God has already done? He'll abide with you, he'll reside in you, and he'll preside over your problems if you take them to Him and leave them with Him."

Here's my prediction: Barack Obama will face more questions about Rev. Wright. Yes, Obama has disavowed the sentiments in the endlessly YouTubed excerpts. But the entire sermon offers a view of America and the American government that stands in sharp contrast to Obama's message. It's one thing for him to say he hadn't heard his pastor call God's wrath down on America that day. But surely some of the broader themes of that sermon about the role and history of the U.S. government were woven through other sermons? And we have not heard how or whether Obama took those up with his pastor and friend.

I bet the questions keep coming.

Secundus: I think I gave y'all enough in Primus for one week. I don't want to overstay my welcome.

In the pipeline: Rev. Wright was supposed to visit Dallas in the next couple of days. He canceled, but the events he was to attend are scheduled to go on. Check to see what happens.

John Marks, a Highland Park native and former 60 Minutes producer, has a new book chronicling his journey into evangelical Christianity, and out of it.

Religion A to Z is up to M is for Moffat.

Plus some book and music reviews, an interesting website, and more.



Yr hmb srvnt,

Jeffrey Weiss

© The Dallas Morning News, Inc. (emphasis added) [WITH comments]