LA: I feel your pain man. But sometimes it is better to eat a loss before it becomes a bigger loss. The company was always a gamble, but the handwriting has been on the wall for sometime now. You should have joined me in bailing out between 40 cents and 25 cents quite a few months ago. You'll recover from this. Just stick to ETF's and funds from now on. There is still plenty of money to be made by betting against the USA in the long run. Buy some oil stocks, Petro Brasiliero (PBR) and Petrochina (PTR) will give you profits in two ways....profit from the ever increasing price of oil and a currency hedge against an ever weakening dollar. There might be some pull backs, there always are, but long term you will not lose money.
Buy gold on dips. By the time the Federal printing presses are going 24/7 to pay off the baby bommer retirements with Monopoly money gold will be at levels never before imagined. Just stay away from speculative, under capitalized "pipe-dream" micro cap stocks. They are a lottery gamble at best.