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04/07/04 8:59 AM

#426 RE: thepennyking #425

This is what you seek, what you are posting for the most part has become obsolete.

#msg-2380195 - repost

II. China’s Master Plan to Destroy America

Unrestricted Warfare
Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui
(Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999)

Is China Behind the 9/11 Attack on the United States?

While it is obvious that Unrestricted Warfare, China’s Master Plan to Destroy America, is being used for American propaganda purposes is there legitimacy in this ‘deadly cognition’?

The unrestricted warfare advocated in the original Chinese version is primarily a defensive measure as a strategic black mail. However in view of the events taking place not only on 9/11 but at other times it is clear that the defensive nature of the document may have become aggressive. Current and political events reveal that Unrestricted Warfare is being implemented by it seems not only China but other countries as well.

Following are a few excerpts I have gathered from Unrestricted Warfare with some rather curious surrounding circumstances.

Excerpt: Unrestricted Warfare

Whether it be the intrusions of hackers, a major explosion at the World Trade Center, or a bombing attack by bin Laden, all of these greatly exceed the frequency band widths understood by the American military.

Thus, from China, a long time supporter of al Qaeda, comes the concept for the second more deadly 9/11 attack against the United States, a major explosion at the World Trade Center, or a bombing attack by bin Laden.

Excerpt: Unrestricted Warfare

In the Zhongguo Qingnian Bao interview, Qiao was quoted as stating that "the first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden." Elaborating on this idea, he asserted that strong countries would not use the same approach against weak countries because "strong countries make the rules while rising ones break them and exploit loopholes . . .The United States breaks [UN rules] and makes new ones when these rules don't suit [its purposes], but it has to observe its own rules or the whole world will not trust it." (see FBIS translation of the interview, OW2807114599).

This is because they have never taken into consideration and have even refused to consider means that are contrary to tradition and to select measures of operation other than military means.

In these two excerpts we find the basis for China's certainty that the United States would according to the premise of Unrestricted Warfare select military means as their method of operation. Given that on July 8, 1996, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," co-authored by Perle called for the elimination of the Saddam Hussein regime in Baghdad, as a first step towards overthrowing or destabilizing the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, China would have been fairly certain that the United States would attack or use military means in Iraq. China had the method or means of operation, military, and the place, Iraq. Since U.S. aides report evidence tying al Qaeda to attacks in Iraq and China must have known we would invade Iraq and considering China's support for al Qaeda, Iraq can only be seen as a monstrous trap into which the United States has fallen. This is clear from the resistance the U.S. has met in Iraq.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian suspected of ties to Al Qaeda, is now thought likely to have played a role in at least three major car-bomb attacks in Iraq that have killed well over 100 people in the last six months, according to senior American officials.

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,"
co-authored by Perle

On July 8, 1996, Richard Perle, now the Chairman of the Defense Policy Board, an advisory group that reports to Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, presented a written document to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, spelling out a new Israeli foreign policy, calling for a repudiation of the Oslo Accords and the underlying concept of "land for peace"; for the permanent annexation of the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip; and for the elimination of the Saddam Hussein regime in Baghdad, as a first step towards overthrowing or destabilizing the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Excerpt: Unrestricted Warfare

Hacking into websites, targeting financial institutions, terrorism, using the media, and conducting urban warfare are among the methods proposed.

In Unrestricted Warfare China advocates the targeting of our financial institutions.

Unrestricted Warfare 1999, promotes a major explosion at the World Trade Center which targets financial institutions or a bombing attack by bin Laden. This came to pass with support or assistance to bin Laden from China.

Excerpt: Unrestricted Warfare

Even though they are the same ancient territorial disputes, nationality conflicts, religious clashes, and the delineation of spheres of power in human history, and are still the several major agents of people waging war from opposite directions, these traditional factors are increasingly becoming more intertwined with grabbing resources, contending for markets, controlling capital, trade sanctions, and other economic factors, to the extent that they are even becoming secondary to these factors. They comprise a new pattern which threatens the political, economic and military security of a nation or nations.

According to Unrestricted Warfare China does not only advocate going after our financial institutions they have our economy in their sights.

Can China in another manner target our economy? This is a most definite yes and they are positioned to do so. In fact they have set themselves up admirably. China can inflict serious damage and as this is also part of Unrestricted Warfare as was the 9/11 attack the gravity of the situation is obvious.

China is one of the largest single purchasers of US Treasury bonds, helping to finance the US budget and current account deficits, and keep American interest rates low.

Donald Evans, the US Commerce Secretary, is bullish to the point of euphoric, as he perhaps needs to be. Through currency intervention, China is one of the largest single purchasers of US Treasury bonds, helping to finance the US budget and current account deficits, and keep American interest rates low. – excerpt: Outlook: Why the world's economy is stuck on a fast boat to China
Jeremy Warner in Davos, 24 January 2004
